Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales Trailer!

There is a new POTC movie set to release in 2017, Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales,  and I am lucky enough to be able to give you a sneak peek at the new trailer that was just released!

Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales

Clay and I have not missed a single one of the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies. We watched On Stranger Tides again last night. We love Jack Sparrow! In fact, Clay went as Jack for Halloween and our Disney Side party a few years ago. I’m trying to talk him into going as a pirate again this year. I think he makes a pretty good looking pirate! I’m not biased or anything.  😀

Captain Jack Sparrow DisneySide

Check out the Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales Trailer and let me know what you think!

Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales Trailer

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I can’t wait to show you more trailers and info leading up to the movies release. I really can’t wait for the release of the movie. I’m excited to see it when it comes out. Looks like there’s a date night in mine and Clay’s 2017 future!

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