The Resurrection Of Hannah – A Novel Inspired By True Events By Kathryne Arnold

I received The Resurrection Of Hannah to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.

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About the book:
Samantha Clark meets with a monthly group to delve into subjects of interest. They dabble in meditation, dream work, and hypnosis — just friends having fun. But lately Sammi is feeling off-kilter and plagued with poor sleep. Searching for a natural solution, she discovers a bitter herb known to induce slumber, whips up a concoction to sweeten the herb, and imbibes. Unbeknownst to her, these areas of experimentation are whirling together to form the perfect storm, one that will blow open an entrance in Sammi’s mind that leads to another world, a door that can never again be closed.

She becomes enmeshed with two friends in a tug of war between life and death: Melissa is dealing with a complicated pregnancy and Julie is wrestling with cancer. Adding to this turmoil is Sammi’s disconnect with her career as a psychotherapist; her life doesn’t seem to fit any longer. Into the drama walks Todd, a handsome, laid-back guy who lightens up her days. Trouble is, Sammi is having a hard time getting close, and a nagging sense of doubt and fear. Like so many times in the past …

But the topper to all this is the dreams. They begin innocuously…but quickly morph into mind-blowing spiritual adventures. The crazy nocturnal activity appears to be related to a soulful character trying to make himself known. In a quest to uncover the truth, Sammi researches clues discovered during her nighttime romps. What she finds is another facet of herself…all wrapped up in post-colonial 18th-century clothes.

Sammi flies off to New England, and with the aid of the Rev. Clark, her skeptical father, she embarks on an adventure, revealing a tragic, centuries-old mystery. One only Sammi can solve.

My thoughts:
Oh my gosh this book was pretty good! At first I didn’t think I was going to like it. Even though I love sci-fi and Vampire/magic/mystical type stories, the Christian side of me doesn’t really get into things regarding past lives and reincarnation. I just never could put being a Christian who believes in Heaven and a former life being resurrected, together. BUT this novel was written in a way that made it so easy to read. Sammi IS a Christian. She believes in God and prays for guidance in her life. Kathryne Arnold wrote this story with both points of view merged into one story. It is so cool how she combined it in a way that seems plausible even to me. 😀 And it is inspired by true events. So even I can’t dispute how “mystical” things can happen. No matter what we personally believe in, the truth of the matter is that there are things that cannot be explained and parts of our faith and our lives that we don’t fully understand. Like in this novel.

I found myself not able to put the book down. I couldn’t wait to find out what Sammi was going through and who Jonathan and Hannah were to her. Being that this novel is inspired on true events, I was really curious to read what Sammi was experiencing and how it would affect her life and those around her. Sammi’s life certainly went on a roller coaster ride of emotions with a love story like no other.

I would have liked the story to include more of Todd, Melissa and Julie, though. We were introduced to them as what I thought would be main characters but their stories were sort of left out and we had more of Jonathan and Hannah. I wish that we could have seen Sammi interacting with Todd, Julie and Melissa a little bit more and perhaps see them play more of a role in helping Sammi solve her mystery. I also felt like the mystery of Hannah should have been dealt with a little more. I would have liked to have seen Sammi actually experience more flashbacks of Hannah’s life so we could have more of a connection of the two together. It was mainly focused on Sammi and Jonathan and him helping her find herself. So I felt like some things were missing from the story.

Overall, I think The Resurrection Of Hannah was a very good story. I am glad I was able to see from Sammi’s perspective what it would be like to learn about a past life with a soul mate and a HUGE mystery to solve.

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About the Author

Kathryne ArnoldAuthor Kathryne Arnold
I was raised in the northeastern United States, in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch Country, and resided in a half-dozen homes or towns throughout my growing up years. My father was a reverend with a flourishing career, moving the family to various parishes as his calling dictated, which I view in a positive light as I was exposed to different communities and lifestyles. After graduating from high school at the age of seventeen, I moved with my father to Massachusetts. Thrilled to begin college in New England, I jumped in with both feet and managed to excel in biological and psychological studies upon which I secured my very first “real” job as a Senior Psychiatric Counselor at a group home for adults with mental illness. Wanting to further my learning, I attended Suffolk University in Beacon Hill in Boston, and graduated two years later, obtaining a Masters degree in Counseling and Human Relations.

Over the next twenty years I concentrated further on my work in counseling and social services and became a licensed practitioner. Several years ago, due to a deep longing to express my feelings in an alternative manner, I literally sat down one day and began writing my first novel. The resultant book, The Resurrection of Hannah, had been born out of a series of powerful dreams, along with compelling and coexisting experiences that inspired me to create a story that would capture the strength of my emotions. I had a yearning to shape a tale based around individuals in my life that I believed would make engaging characters. I had a strong desire to experience a higher level of creativity, to literally produce something out of nothing- a fascinating and challenging endeavor I could not ignore. It was during this time that I became a clinical hypnotherapist and a nationally certified counselor, as well as starting a private practice as a psychotherapist.

I also decided to move back to friends and family in Florida and worked again at the local Hospice, then more recently in community mental health. Once bitten by the writing bug, I could not help but pen my second work of fiction, The Fear of Things to Come. I am now in the process of writing another novel in what I consider a unique collection of adventure stories, the third in the Samantha Clark
Mystery Series.

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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.

2 thoughts on “The Resurrection Of Hannah – A Novel Inspired By True Events By Kathryne Arnold”

  1. Hi Crystal,

    Thank you for your wonderful and detailed book review of my debut novel, The Resurrection of Hannah. I can tell you put a lot of thought into the review, so I appreciate that and your kind words. Glad you liked my book! Take care 🙂

    Kathryne Arnold


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