H3:60 Discount Offer. Get Happy, Healthy And Hot!

Disclosure: I received compensation and a discount as a thank you for posting this H3:60 discount offer. All opinions are my own and I will be personally testing this system in an upcoming review. I’m super excited to participate!

Save me H3:60. I am a hot-flashing, hot, moody mess. But not for long. In the next couple of months I’m going to go from a hot mess to a hot mama! WOO HOO!

Ok so back to the hot-flashing hot moody mess. That describes me perfectly. I’m only 36 but hot flashes and severe mood swings have taken hold of me and I don’t like it. (Neither do Clay and the kids). I wake up in the night with night sweats, burning up one minute and freezing the next. There are days where I can go from 0 – witch in .3 seconds flat. And it’s not intentional by any means. Nor does any of it seem to be controllable. I’ve also been having breakouts. PIMPLES! I went through puberty, like, 100 years ago, so I don’t get pimples. At least I didn’t until the past few months. Now I have them all over my chin. I’m a hot (flashing) mess!

I’m not going through menopause just yet. But my hormones (and my weight) are all out of whack. And I know for a fact that the majority of it stems from my current diet. How do I know? Well, when I’m eating right, it all practically disappears. The symptoms dwindle and I feel great. But keeping myself on that healthy, balanced diet has been tough for me. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. I love sugar. And for me, the only way to get back on track is to quit cold turkey and do a detox to get all that nasty out of my system. But I need help. And that is where H3:60 comes in.

Being MOODY can be the result of poor nutrition, imbalanced hormones, food sensitivities or allergies, lack of sleep, etc…https://hotmoodymess.com

There’s a weightloss, detox, wellness program out there that can help me. It is called H3:60 and it is currently taking enrollments for the July 14, 2014 program. It was designed by Certified Holistic Health Coaches CHHC, AADP, with an additional certification in hormone balance.

I’ve read the testimonials and I really think it is the way to go. This program is online and has everything I personally need to get myself started in the right direction and to be able to continue on after I’ve met my goals. It, not only, focus on getting yourself healthy and in shape but it helps you get your mind set in the right place. It makes you happy!

Some things you’ll Learn During H3:60

  • How to achieve and/or maintain your ideal weight without wasting time or money on stuff that doesn’t work.
  • Why  focusing only on food and exercise doesn’t work, and how to use that to your advantage.
  • Why setting the foundation for happiness FIRST gets you in the perfect mindset for getting HOT!
  • How to diagnose and balance your hormones on your own without expensive doctor bills and waiting rooms!

So, there you have it. A health and wellness program that can balance everything and make us feel better inside and out. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get Happy, Healthy And Hot!!!!

I have an AMAZING discount offer for you! How does $100 off  the H3:60 program sound?

Use code HMMCRYSTAL to save $100 off the H3:60 program.

Check out the flyer below for full details.

H3:60 Discount Offer


I’ll be following up with a review of the program in a few months.  Will you join me?

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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