Is A Professional Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Right For You?

A sports injury is a natural and unavoidable part of being involved in competitive activities. You can go through all the warm-ups and prep you want, but someday you’re going to pull a muscle, sprain a ligament, or maybe end up with a fracture to a limb. Recovery programs can be long and grueling, with months of physio sessions, hydrotherapy, and lots of other tools to get you back to your best. All the while, you’re unable to play and off the team. It’s natural for anyone in this position to look into the potential for alternative treatments to speed up the process. HBOT is one such therapy that is highly recommended by athletes and champions, but what is it, and why is it so effective?

What Is HBOT, And Who Uses It?

HBOT is an acronym for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Users can spend time in a chamber with an altered atmosphere to take advantage of the healing properties. The air within these chambers is safe to breathe when regulated and for short periods. It comprises of pure oxygen at levels of 94-100% and an increased pressure rating. The purpose is to allow a higher intake of oxygen into the blood plasma with minimal effort. This higher rate of oxygen, which can be as much as 20 times the normal rate, then has the potential to aid healing.

The process has become highly popular among sports stars, especially some older stars who are looking to decrease the impact of their sports injury and stay healthier as they get older. Many will purchase chambers for their private use to use as part of their personal recovery plans. Leading tennis stars have done this to get themselves in prime condition for tournaments, as have golfers. The chambers are also common in high-profile team sports, and you’ll hear of many NFL teams using these devices to keep their players as healthy as possible throughout the season. You don’t have to be an elite star on an NFL contract to get one of these. You can find a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for sale and set it up at home – if you have the space and budget for one. Before you start looking at different models for sale, here are some reasons why they are so popular and some possible risks.

Why Do Sports Stars Use HBOT?

The prevalence of the use of HBOT in professional sports shows that it must have plenty of benefits for its users. Why else would these teams pay out so much money and commit so much recovery time to using the treatment? Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is popular with these sports teams because of the range of benefits regarding both low-key and severe injuries. At the very least, time spent in these therapy chambers can help athletes with these recovery times. This is essential in contact sports like the NFL, where players are guaranteed to pick up some muscle strains and wear and tear during a game. Those pads can only do so much. The HBOT allows for greater oxygen flow to damaged areas, reducing downtime and aiding pain management. That pays off when you’ve played a game on Sunday and have a big primetime TNF game ahead.

Beyond the basic recovery treatments, there is the potential for ongoing HBOT treatment for a more serious sports injury. Stars dealing with ligament and tendon issues can see themselves placed on the IR list for a long time, potentially harming their future position in the team. Anything they can do to reduce that timeframe and show improvements can work in their favor. Here, the treatments can help to promote the creation of collagen and strengthen problem ligaments, such as high-ankle sprains. Some therapists claim they’ve seen impressive results with recoveries from bone fractures. The idea is that oxygen therapy stimulates osteoblast activity, which is essential for bone healing.

Then, there are more serious head injuries sustained during play. The use of helmets and strict safety precautions during games should limit the number of concussions and other brain injuries. However, an accident head-on-on collision or someone tackling the wrong way can cause serious concerns. Players who are sidelined for concussion protocol can, where appropriate, undergo HBOT treatment to help reduce swelling in the brain and improve recovery times. It’s not guaranteed to make any miraculous difference, but it could be helpful.

Are There Any Risks To Using Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers?

Yes. All trained professionals working with these chambers in sports facilities understand the potential risks involved. They won’t allow athletes to take part in the treatment if any underlying health issues could pose a threat. Anyone looking for a professional-level hyperbaric oxygen chamber must take the time to make sure it is suitable for their needs. One concern is that people with diabetes could experience a drop in their blood sugar levels. There are also warnings for anyone with lung conditions where the change in oxygen levels and pressure in the chamber could impact their breathing. Similarly, there have been issues with people entering the chamber while dealing with problems in their ears, nose, and throats. It’s best not to use these chambers if you’ve recently had a cold or sinus infection, as you could experience pain and bleeding.

Regardless of your medical history, it’s also essential that you use the chamber as instructed and don’t deviate from your plan. It can be tempting to try and increase the length of a session or the pressure in the chamber to speed up the healing process. However, doing so could put you at greater risk of problems like trauma to the ears, vision problems, or decompression sickness. In the worst-case scenarios, there are risks of oxygen poisoning and lung collapse.

Is An HBOT Chamber The Right Choice For You?

If you’re reading this thinking that a hyperbaric oxygen chamber is perfect for your recovery from a sports injury, and you are committed to using one safely and responsibly, you can find a professional model for sale. With the right support and an effective treatment plan, you could find that your recovery times after training sessions and sports games decrease thanks to the increased oxygen flow. Also, should the worst happen and you suffer a serious injury, you may find that the regular treatments get you back on your feet and back in the gym faster than you expected. If it keeps those NFL players on the field each week, it could help you.

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