This recipe follows the guidelines of a Trim Healthy Mama Fuel Pull and can be used as an All Day Sipper. This means it doesn't contain a fuel source and can be sipped on all day, one after another. Sip all day or enjoy with your S, E or FP meals!
2 1/2tspPyurebrand sweetener or your favorite on-plan sweetener of choice to taste
1/4tspGingerground OR 1 TBSP Ginger Juice
1tspBaobab PowderTHM Baobab Boost Powder
In quart jar, Steep both tea bags in just off the boil water for 5 minutes.
Throw tea bags away
Stir in remaining ingredients SEE NOTE
Add enough ice to fill the jar
Stir and enjoy!
If Baobab Boost Powder is clumping, blend a few seconds in a blender bottle or blender, holding lid tightly. Some blenders warn against using hot liquids so you can blend the Babobab Boost Powder with 1/4 cup cold water and then mix in the hot tea mixture if desired.Enjoy hot or cold! If drinking hot/warm, leave out ice and finish filling jar with warm water.