I happen to have a love for caverns. I’m not necessarily into spelunking because I’m just too lazy for all that but I love me a good cave tour! Throw a music concert on top of that and I’m all over it! Except I’ve never heard of such a thing… until now. So, now, I really want to attend one at Cumberland Caverns and have it on my to-do list for the next year.

Cumberland Caverns in McMinnville, Tennessee is know for their unique concert series taking place in the historic, Volcano Room. Apparently, for over 55 years, this space has hosted a wide array of very talented musicians. How have I never heard of this before now???
Imagine being  333 feet below ground in the world famous Volcano Room jamming out to some fantastic music with incredible acoustics of the cavern. I still can’t believe I’ve never heard of this! OOOOH but I will be checking it out. Not sure on the exact date but I’ma’ be there within this next year! I’m putting this high on my must-do list! Just gotta save up my monies. 😉
The current lineup for this year includes:
Cumberland Caverns Live Concert Schedule:
Aug. 4, 2018 – Todd Snider with Elizabeth Cook
Sept. 9, 2018 – Son Volt
Nov. 10, 2018 – The Marcus King Band with Ida Mae
More dates to be announced soon
There will me more concerts added and dates announced in the near future. For now you can stay up to date on the happenings by following Cumberland Caverns Live on their website cumberlandcavernslive.com, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.