10 Best Dog Breeds For First-Time Owners

Pet And Pet Tips

There are many exciting milestones in our lifetimes, but bringing a dog into your life is one of the top five. If you’ve been reading up on puppy training and think you’re ready for the responsibility and joys of pet

SpotOn GPS Fence: How To Keep Your Dog In The Yard

SpotOn GPS Fence

I recently teamed up with SpotOn GPS Fence to, hopefully, finally find a solution to his running and show you how to keep your dog in the yard. Our older dog, Jasper, has a bad habit of running out the door and down the road or off into the woods.

Buying A Plastic Dog Collar: Your Shopping Guide


 When you are loing for a dog collar, why not get your pooch something that is unique and can make them stand out? Plastic collars are a great choice for any pup and come in all kinds of styles. You