Dog IVDD Treatment Options

Dog IVDD Treatment Options

IVDD in dogs is a painful condition that affects the dog’s back. The pain originates in the spine. It is caused by a slipped or bulging disk and can cause a great deal of pain for your dog. Symptoms of IVDD …

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Human Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog

Human Foods You Should Not Feed Dogs

Dogs are far and away the most popular pet in America.  In fact, over 63 million households in the USA have at least one dog. We love our dogs, and owners will show that love in different ways. Some may …

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Proven Methods To Reduce Unwanted Barking

Proven Methods To Reduce Unwanted Barking

A barking dog can be annoying, especially when you are out for a relaxing stroll or enjoying a quiet evening at home. Dogs may bark to get attention, or they may bark because they are feeling bored or anxious. Any …

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3 Facts About Horse Care You Need To Know

3 Facts About Horse Care

Horse care is a full-time job, but you can build rewarding relationships if you take the time to nourish your equine friends. Because horses demand special attention, you’ll want to find the finest equine development Northampton MA  has to offer. The …

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