The phrase ‘body confidence’ gets thrown around a lot in the modern day. We hear it all the time from social media, we talk about it with our friends, and we try to invest in it to live the best version of life we can. Indeed, when you feel good in your body, and comfortable in your own skin, life becomes more comfortable and less terrifying in turn!
But how do you feel confident in your body, especially if you grew up finding fault with it, or you still see flaws in your skin now? How do you achieve a sense of peace and confidence when looking in the mirror? Try out the three tips below for a little starting help.
Get Used To Seeing Your ‘Natural’ Face
Your natural face is the face you see in the mirror without anything covering it. No skincare products, no makeup, nothing. Spend some time with this face more often; get used to the way it looks, perceived flaws and all, to start to appreciate what it is that makes you you.
This is a great confidence booster for those who use makeup liberally. It’s a great skill to have, but the more you cover up and get rid of what’s going on underneath, the more you’re going to feel naked whenever you don’t have these tools around. Get used to living with both, appreciate both, and find pride in your natural look and how that differs from everyone else.
Get Informative Advice On Beauty Treatments
If feeling confident in your beauty means getting a cosmetic treatment or two, that’s perfectly OK. However, make sure you get proper, informative advice about these treatments from a reputable plastic surgeon before you pay for them.
A consultation goes a long way to letting you know what ingredients will be used, how the treatment may affect you (including in negative ways), and what you can expect based on what you’re getting.
And if you’re interested in getting multiple plastic surgery procedures in the future, this is the number one thing to do; you never want to walk into a cosmetic treatment without knowing what you’re in for!
Get Rid Of The Filter
Filters are a cornerstone of the social media era. If you look smooth and highlighted in a photo, to a standard that would be impossible to achieve in real life, you’re probably going to feel more secure about sharing that photo online.
However, don’t let your life be lived by these filters. Get rid of them, turn them off, and have some fun taking real and natural photos of your genuine looks. If the camera takes shots of you that you don’t like, you can just delete them and take some more! Use less of the filters and more of real life in your image and you’ll feel much more confident in your beauty.
If you don’t feel confident in your beauty, try out tips like this. Get comfortable first and then let confidence grow.