How To Stay Motivated Throughout The Working Day: A Guide

Whether you are still working in the office or are working from home, we are confident that you have struggled with staying motivated at some point or another. With employers expressing concern about the levels of productivity of their employees working from home in line with government guidance, we have compiled a helpful guide of ways to stay motivated throughout the working day. Get that notebook and pen handy to take some notes, and read on for more.

How To Stay Motivated Throughout The Working Day_ A Guide

Staying Hydrated

This goes without saying, but to stay productive and at the top of your game, you need to start with yourself first. If you are dehydrated and have a terrible headache, you will not be able to concentrate on the tasks that you have in front of you. Having a bottle of water to hand at all times during the working day will ensure that you are hydrated and staying healthy while on the job. Drinking tea and coffee is okay for a bit of a boost, but you should not rely on these alone to hydrate you; they both possess high levels of diuretic properties. Not what you want when you have a deadline to meet!

Taking Regular Breaks

Another popular suggestion, and one that should be taken on board by every person, no matter your profession. Taking regular breaks and walking away from your desk – both in the office and at home – allows you to detox from the stresses of the working day and to take some time for yourself. For some, this will mean getting a drink or a snack, while for others, this might be going for a smoking break. Whether you are someone who smokes a vape or smokes cigarettes, allowing yourself to take regular breaks is essential; you are sure to be distracted from your work if you don’t allow yourself a break and listen to your body. Aquavape is an example of a company that provides various products suitable for a quick break during the working day. If you are wanting to buy vape liquid or a vaping device, or to simply swap from cigarettes to vape devices, head to their website for further information.


Staying in contact with the broader team of employees is essential, both during the unprecedented times we find ourselves in now and beyond. Both in and out of the office environment, communication is crucial and enables us to work our way through any problems that we might be experiencing. If you are stuck on something and do not reach out for help at a certain point, your productivity levels are sure to decrease and lead to less motivation. By working together as a team and communicating with one another, you are sure to want to motivate the other people and yourself. While these are but a few of the suggestions to keep yourself motivated throughout the working day, others can include writing down a to-do list every morning and simply breaking down the tasks you have into more manageable chunks. By finding something that suits you and making it work, you are sure to have the motivation levels you want each day!

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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