I haven’t even started my spring cleaning yet and I’m already over it! 😂 I’m tired folks. Very, very tired. Probably the most tired I’ve been in about 20 years. But my house needs a major deep clean so I’m getting on it. The April recipe box from Simply Earth is super timely for me. The Simply Earth April 2024 Recipe Box contains recipes and ingredients to make 6 diy cleaning recipes with essential oils. My favorite kind!
April Recipe Box’s theme is all about cleaning!
DIY Cleaning Recipes With Essential OIls
You’ll get the ingredients you need to make:
Risen Roll-On – helps you rinse and be energetic each morning
Simple Floor Cleaner – get squeaky clean floors with this DIY cleaner
Easy Toilet Refresher – drop it in and let it foam away dirt and grime
April Showers Diffuser Blend – bring some sunshine into your rainy day with this uplifting diffuser blend
Citrus Multi-Purpose Cleaning Spray – cleaning tablets make this multi-purpose spray a breeze to make
Happy Home Carpet & Scrubbing Powder – scrub away dirt and grime or use to freshen your carpet
I use Simply Earth’s Cleaning Tablets regularly. In fact, I’ve switched to only using this spray cleaner for my counters, toilets and sinks, unless we’re sick and need extra disinfecting. Why? Because it’s natural, incredibly easy to make and it works! The April recipe box comes with a recipe and oils to create a natural cleaning spray.
I may not make the recipe, as is, this month because I’ve been on a lemon kick lately. I currently have a bottle made up using the cleaning tablet, distilled water and lemon essential oil. It smells so good and works so well! Lemon essential oils is fantastic at removing sticky residue so it is perfect for my counter tops where sticky spills happen on the daily. However, the April box does contain grapefruit essential oil and Citrus Burst essential oils blend soooo, I may end up making it as written because it sounds like it will smell amazing!
I need some sunshine in my life right now and that sounds like it will do the trick, aromatherapy-wise! I’m down for a little sunshine in a bottle! ☀

Oils included in this month’s box are:
- Oregano – I’ve not, personally worked with Oregano much BUT I do use it in Skin Tag/Wart Removal roll-on. It makes me smell like spaghetti sauce 😂
- Grapefruit (Pink) – one of my absolute FAVORITE essential oils!
- Citrus Burst Blend – my favorite EO blend – I’m definitely a citrus girl!
- Tea Tree – a powerhouse at disinfecting
Extras include:
- Multi-Purpose Cleaning Tablets (2) – these are phenomenal
- Cleaning Bomb (2) – this is a brand new product to Simply Earth that I can’t wait to try!
- Sponge – a natural non-plastic cleaning sponge – yes please!
I am anxiously awaiting that Cleaning Bomb! The box comes with 2 and I can’t wait to make the recipes that include it! I know that one is a toilet cleaning bomb. I think you just drop the cleaning bomb in and add some essential oils and let it do it’s thing. Then run your toilet cleaning brush around the inside, wipe down the outside (using the cleaning spray recipe) and that’s it. It foams up and does some cleaning magic. I’m really excited to try that! I’ve made toilet cleaning bombs in the past that didn’t work too well for me. This, I’m looking forward to trying!
I’m also looking forward to the floor cleaners/scrubbing powder. My tiles are looking a bit worse for wear after a muddy winter and even though I do mop them regularly, they need a good ole scrubbing. Our carpet could also use some refreshing. We have pets so it gets a bit funky smelling in the winter when I can’t open the windows and air the house out. These cleaners are so versatile!
I plan on getting Clay to help me shampoo the carpets with white vinegar and baking soda. Then, when they’re dry, I’ll sprinkle the carpet refresher on, let it sit awhile and then vacuum it up. It’s going to smell so good!
I may be completely exhausted right now, but the thought of these bright, citrus oils has me in the mood to get cleaning! I’ll take my time and do a room or even just half a room at a time, this year. Honestly, thanks to this month’s recipe box, I’m actually looking forward to it!
I’ll have an unboxing post and video next week after my recipe box arrives. Keep a look out for it! Better yet, hit the subscribe button over on YouTube, follow us on Instagram and/or subscribe to our email newsletter so you don’t miss anything.
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Which of the natural DIY cleaning recipes with essential oils are you looking most forward to trying? Do you have any Spring Cleaning tips you’d like to share in the comments?