In order for your home to be comfortable, especially in the colder months, you need to have a boiler that is functional and works as and when you need it to.
If you have recently had a boiler installed, you can skip this article, as it’s highly likely that it’s still in good condition! However, like any household appliance, boilers do not last forever and if you continue to use a boiler that is failing, this can not only lead to issues with efficiency, but it can also have long-term safety risks.
Unsure what the signs are that you need to replace your boiler? Read on!
Frequent Breakdowns And Repairs
Does your boiler seem to need to be constantly repaired? If yes, then this is a sign that it needs to be replaced.
Frequent breakdowns can lead to both issues with heating and your hot water supply. However, this can also lead to mounting costs, which nobody needs. If you are spending a small fortune on boiler repairs, look into St Albans professional heating services to get your home warm again and to start saving money!
Rising Energy Bills
A boiler that is less efficient than more modern models will likely consume more energy to create the same amount of heat. So, if you have noticed that your energy bills are increasing without you actually using more energy, your boiler is likely to be the underlying cause. A replacement boiler can often pay for itself in the long run simply through reduced energy costs, so aim to upgrade to an energy-efficient boiler with a high Energy Star rating.
Uneven Heating Or Inconsistent Hot Water
The main job of a boiler is to provide consistent heat throughout the home and hot water. So, if you notice that you are experiencing cold spots when you have turned the heating on, or your hot water supply is intermittent, this could point to a boiler that is failing. Some issues with boilers can be resolved with repairs, especially in the area of inconsistent heating but persistent problems that have seemingly been fixed point to a system that’s no longer functioning optimally. So, time to upgrade and replace! Upgrading to a new boiler can be a significant expense, but fortunately, there are financing options available. Now, you can even get interest free boilers by opting for flexible payment plans. Compare the different plans provided by vendors and choose the one that best suits your budget and needs.
Unusual Noises
A boiler should be quiet, so if you hear any noises like gurgling, churning, whistling, or banging, it may be a sign that your boiler is on its way out. Of course, it is worth checking that they are not the result of lime scale buildup, but generally, any odd noises should be looked into as soon as possible.
Safety Concerns
Older boilers are more prone to developing leaks, in particular, and they release carbon monoxide. This is a colorless, odorless gas that can be fatal, so if you notice that the boiler has a flame that burns yellow instead of blue, turn it off and have it inspected as soon as possible. If you don’t have one, please install a carbon monoxide detector near your boiler, especially if it is older, as this can save your life.