When it comes to bonding with your child, one of the best things that you can do is ensure that you have a hobby that you can share. It’s not always easy to get to this point where there’s something that you are doing together, but we do advise that you push through until you find this. There may be times where it feels as though you’re never going to find something that you both enjoy, and that’s okay, but as the parent you’re the one who needs to compromise. Choose something that you can see that they love, and that brings joy to their life, because that should be enough for you to enjoy it anyway.
Down below, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the awesome hobbies that you and your kids can do together, so keep reading if you would like some suggestions. Keep in mind that this is not an extensive list, and there are many more hobbies that you can try if you don’t find anything for you here.
One of the first things that we want to look at is cooking and/or baking. Despite the fact that these two are often talked about together, they are actually two separate hobbies. Cooking involves a whole load of things that involve the preparation of food, where baking tends to include a dry cooking method like an oven. Yes, you can cook with an oven, the differences are subtle, but they are there!
Anyway, at some point in your life and in your kids life you have got to learn to cook, even if it’s just the basics, right? But, it’s going to be a lot more enjoyable to learn if you actually like what you are doing. So, if you can manage to make cooking fun for your kids and turn it into a hobby, then it might not be something that they dread as they grow up. On your side, if you don’t know how to cook already then now is a great time to learn. You may be surprised at how many adults don’t actually know how to cook, so don’t feel bad or be alarmed by this, you’re not alone.
If you do already know how to cook, it may help you develop a love of cooking that you did not have before. We’re not saying that this is definitely going to happen, but it’s possible and that’s good enough, right?
Pick A Sport
Another thing that we recommend is that you pick a sport that you both enjoy and go for that. It’s highly probable that there is at least one sport out there that you both enjoy playing, at least enough that you can bond over it and play together. Whether that is football, basketball, soccer, golf or whatever else, doesn’t matter as long as you are both having fun. You can start by choosing a sport that you love and seeing if they are interested in it. For example, you may want to buy your child their first soccer ball for their birthday or something, and then use this as an in to see how they react to it. If they like it, great. If not, you can move onto another sport without too much fuss.
This does not have to be anything more than a hobby you two share if neither of you want it to be. They do not have to play for their school team, so don’t push them. It can simply be something that you enjoy together, and you do not want to ruin that.
Some people may say that reading is not a hobby, but those people are wrong. Others may say that reading is a hobby but it’s a solitary one. Those people are wrong too, or they can be wrong too. It depends on who you are and what your preferences are, but there is absolutely no reason that you cannot share your love of reading with your child if you want to. You can read together with both of you taking turns to read out loud, or one of you doing this. We do strongly encourage you to encourage your kids to read out loud as much as you can though, as this helps them to develop their reading and their speaking skills.
The great thing about reading is that you get to go on so many adventures, without having to go on any adventure if you do not want to. You can live so many lives through the pages of books, and your kids get to experience this also. Just be prepared to check the books beforehand and ensure that they are suitable for your child’s age. The last thing that you want is to come across something inappropriate in a book they are loving.
Have you thought about doing something that’s a little more active? We know that it can be tough if you have children who don’t love being outdoors, but it might be worth giving it a go anyway. Try to show them the wonders of hiking and generally being outdoors. Get them to the top of a particularly tall hall at first, show them the views and what it can be like. You may just find that they needed a little bit of inspiration in order to motivate themselves to get up there. Once they realize how beautiful the views can be, they may be interested in climbing higher and higher with you.
Hiking is great for your body, and a lot of people find it great for their mind also. Hopefully your kids will have this experience of this hobby so that you can continue to do it for a long time to come.
Who loves going to new places and exploring? The answer to this is a lot of people, they just don’t realize it yet. Adventuring may not be something that you’ve ever done before, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth trying out now. In fact, it’s something that you and your kids could have a lot of fun doing together. There’s nothing quite like discovering new things and being able to say that you found them with your kids.
One of the best ways to do this is to find somewhere to get lost. Now, for those of you who have anxiety or anxious tendencies, we are not talking about the kind of list where you end up stuck in a desert with no food or water for days. We just mean go to a place that you do not know very well and see what you can find. You can use a map to get there, but try not to use one once you’re there as this defeats the object entirely. When you’re done with your wandering, you can use your phone to find your way back to where you want to be.
Just check in with your phone regularly to note the time and where you have service. This way, you know that you will always be able to find your way back, no matter what.
Gaming gets a super bad reputation, but there really is no need for this. For as long as you manage to keep things at a reasonable level and you’re not getting too involved with the games, there’s no issue. The same can be said for your children.
The thing about games is that there are so many different types, it doesn’t have to be video games. You can play brain games, board games, card games, or video games, or all of them depending on what you and your child like. It doesn’t have to be any more than fun between parent and child but if it does seem to be tipping that way, do something about it.
The last thing that we want to talk about are puzzles! People don’t really think of puzzles as a hobby but they certainly are. It takes a problem solving brain to do these, and they could provide you and your kids with hours of fun. It’s the accomplishment of creating something that’s such an amazing feeling, and it’s worth giving it a go!
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have a better idea of some of the awesome hobbies that you and your kids can do together. We understand that you may not like the same things, but for the sake of bonding with your kids we recommend doing the things that make them happy. However, you never know, you may be able to find something that you both enjoy if you just keep looking. There are so many hobbies out there, there’s bound to be at least one that you both have a great time doing and can share going forward. We wish you the very best of luck with finding this!