Why Speed Reading is Beneficial

Speed reading is an essential skill for anyone who wants to get ahead in life. Whether you are a college student struggling to get through textbooks each semester or a business professional who needs to keep up with the latest …

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The Good and Bad of Reading Faster

We’re often under pressure to accomplish huge amounts of work at the office in a short time, and often the only way to do that is to read faster . This is where speed reading techniques come in handy. Knowing …

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Speed Reading in Only 5 Simple Steps

Speed reading is an essential skill in today’s fast-paced world. In order to get ahead in a career, it’s important to know how to read and assimilate large amounts of reading material. Whether it’s professional journals, instruction manuals or simply …

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How to Speed Read in 10 Minutes

Learning how to speed read starts the process of gaining a vocabulary that includes what some people call “power words.” In many cases, these words spell future success. Everybody from students to employees to business entrepreneurs plans and dreams of …

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