Patriot Pantry 72-Hour Survival Kit: Review

Do you have a survival kit in place in case disaster strikes? You should! Every family should have an emergency preparedness kit with water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, flashlights, etc. I’ve created a printable list below to help keep your emergency supply kit stocked and ready!


This post is originally from 2017, however, the info is updated often. It’s always a good idea to be prepared in case of any emergency.

But first, let me tell you about some items in our, personal, emergency preparedness survival kit. Clay and I teamed up with to show you survival food options. Non-perishable food doesn’t have to be tasteless. It can actually be pretty good!

Patriot Pantry 72-our Survival Kit

We received, for review, one of their 72 Hour Survival Kits. This kit will keep our family nourished for up to 3 days during a crisis. Our kit came with foods that we have on our regular meal plan so they are something we are used to eating!

Our 72 Hour Survival Kit included:

  • Maple Grove Oatmeal – Serves 8
  • Granny’s Homestyle Potato Soup – Serves 4
  • Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice – Serves 4
Patriot Pantry 72-our Survival Kit

Because we are a large family, I do wish the kits served 8 for all the dishes instead of 4 for the entrees and 8 for the oatmeal. Otherwise, we have to purchase 2 kits for every 72 hours. Not a huge deal, but still. In my mind, it makes more sense.

The food itself is quite tasty. It does have to be heated with water. It’s not ready to eat, but it gives you an option for a hot meal, versus simple peanut butter and crackers. Do foods that don’t require heating for breakfast and lunch and save this food from for supper.

It is easy to prepare.

The potato soup called for 4 1/c cups of water. Bring the water to a boil, whisk in soup mix and simmer for 15 – 20 minutes. The same as store bought soup mixes. And it tastes great! I have a photo of the soup but for some reason it isn’t wanting to upload correctly. I wanted to get this post up so I’ll get that photo added tomorrow.

Along with enough food and water for 3 days, other items we include in our Survival Kit, and in the printable below, are:

  • Non-perishable food – enough for 3 days (per person)
  • Water for drinking – 1 gallon per person, per day. Additional for cleansing, cooking and sanitizing
  • Water purification tablets – and/or bleach. Look online for instructions on how to disinfect and to treat water
  • Mess kit with plates, flatware, bowls, cups and small assortment of posts and pans
  • Matches and Lighter
  • Kindling and Fire starters
  • NOAA Weather Alert Radio with hand crank recharging and extra batteries. The one linked can also solar charge
  • First aid kit – *SEE BELOW
  • Baby wipes – for cleaning face and hands
  • Disinfecting Wipes
  • Paper Towels
  • Toilet tissue
  • Personal and feminine care items like sanitary napkins, tampons and travel sized toiletries
  • Flashlight and extra batteries – our flashlight is also a NOAA Weather Alert Radio
  • Portable Generator
  • Solar chargers for cell phones
  • Tool box
  • Medications – check individual medication, including prescription, for storage instructions
  • Pet foods and supplies
  • Water for pets
  • Blankets and sleeping bags
  • Clothing based on season – this should be changed seasonally to assure fit and weather appropriate
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Extra money

Copies of (kept in waterproof and fireproof container):

  • Insurance policies
  • Medical records including allergies
  • Wills
  • ID cards
  • Passport
  • Bank records and checks
  • Social Security Card – original

Driver’s License – Kept in your wallet

Baby supplies if you have babies

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Ointments
  • Formula
  • Bottles
  • Baby Food
  • Water
  • Clothing
  • Blankets
  • Medications for fever and any prescribed medications – read storage instructions

* Your first aid kit is something that should be kept handy at all times and re-stocked as needed. I have a large, fabric cooler that I use but it tears easily. So I’ve decided to switch to a plastic tote with a handle for carrying and easy, waterproof storage.

First aid kits should contain – at least:

  • Sterile gloves
  • Gauze and tape
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Small flashlight
  • Adhesive bandages – assorted sizes (I buy in bulk at Sam’s Club!)
  • Antibacterial wipes
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Burn cream
  • Non-prescription pain relievers like Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen and Aspirin
  • Laxatives
  • Heartburn relief/Antacids
  • Anti-diarrhea medication
  • Individual items based on your own needs like blood pressure monitor, glucose monitor etc.
  • First aid guide

Your first aid kit may have more in it than this. This is just a basic guide with items that can be found in most pre-made kits. I found one at Sam’s Club for $20 that had a ton of items in it, including a first aid guide. It also glows in the dark so it can be easily found at night!

To store all these items you’ll need a couple large, heavy duty, plastic totes. Place everything in your totes and stack them in an easily accessible location. You want to be able to get to them quickly and easily if there is a disaster.

Download your free, printable emergency survival kit list by clicking the button below.

I hope these lists come in handy for you. Feel free to print them and keep them in your kits! To purchase 72 Hour Meal kits, check out The food is great and they have other items for your Emergency Survival Kit as well!

Do you have a survival kit? What are some things, not listed, you recommend keeping in one?

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