Does Your Family Have Big Game Traditions?

I have been super sick the last few weeks. It seems like nearly everyone we know has had this coughing, snotty, aching mess of some kind of never ending cold, flu or something. It’s miserable and I really pray you and your loved ones don’t catch it. I’m feeling quite a bit better so I hope it’s all cleared up and no one else is sick so we can finally begin to enjoy some big game fun.

In the winter, Sunday’s aren’t quite Sunday’s without some food and football! Since I’m feeling better, yesterday we had family and friends over for some chicken wings and party foods. We watched some football and rooted for our fav team. Go Bronco’s! Food, family and football is a tradition in our house.

Game Day Traditions

Game Day Traditions

Does your family have big game traditions to celebrate your team? Are there things you do to get ready that you would consider a tradition?

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/P&G. All opinions are strictly my own and tell the story of how we prepare for big game day.

The guys in our family all have things they like to do to get in the mood for the big game. Mainly drink beer and talk football. An at-home tailgate party is a must. Clay helps out quite a bit with the food. He loves to grill wings and tenderloin so that is a tradition he has > beer and grilling.

Game Day Traditions
Game Day Traditions

Me? I just like to get the food ready and make sure I’m dressed and ready to go. Of course, I want to look my best any time we have friends and family over so I do a little primping. You know, makeup, hair. Sometimes I even add a little color for my team to my clothes, makeup and hair. I like to be festive! Since I’ve been sick, though, I didn’t really feel up to going all out this weekend.

I did manage to take a long, hot shower. This cold has left me feeling funky so a pampering, hot shower was definitely in order! Clay showered and shaved with his Gillette Fusion ProGlide razor, then get dressed. Done. Guys are so easy!

Game Day Traditions

I like to, at least, look perky no matter how I’m feeling so I made sure my teeth were nice and white with some whitening strips and I’ve been using Crest Prohealth Advanced Toothpaste the last few weeks. Anytime I get sick I feel like my teeth suffer. With a stuffy nose I tend to breathe through my mouth which makes them feel yucky. Plus, I don’t feel like I’m brushing quite as well as I need to.

So I’ve also been using a battery operated toothbrush to help give my teeth a little oomph when I’m not able to brush so well. I, personally, love the Oral B Vitality. I can change the brushing heads when I’m well and have a fresh, new toothbrush. it’s really cool, too. It has little MicroPulse bristles that clean between teeth. They feel amazing! It sucks being sick! A toothpaste and toothbrush that helps give me healthier, stronger teeth is definitely something that helps get me ready for game day, even when I’m sick.

Game Day Traditions

Oh I got off track there talking about my teeth! On a side note, I use A LOT of P&G beauty and grooming products. And I buy them all at Walmart! It saves me money.

Ok, back to getting ready for game day.

Showering and having a clean smile are only a couple things I do to get ready. I’m kind of weird in that putting on makeup makes me feel better when I’m sick. Not actually physically better but emotionally better. I feel like if I look good, then it makes me feel good. Even if it’s just mascara. My eyelashes are really blonde and I look like I don’t have any, even though they are fairly long. I look like the crypt keeper when I’m sick, so a little mascara really makes a huge impact in my appearance. I LOVE COVERGIRL LashBlast Mascara for Volume. It really makes my eyelashes pop! So before Clay got the wings grilled and I get all the food and goodies set out for the big game, I do my hair (even if it’s just a well brushed pony tail)  and put on makeup and my favorite teams colors. (orange and blue)

Game Day Traditions

After I got to smelling and looking good we got our party started. Family and friends arrived and we enjoyed spending time together while watching some football.

Clay grilled the hot wings and a pork tenderloin for min sandwiches on Ciabatta bread. We had chips and dip in bowls that represented football and our team. There was beer, orange moonshine and mixed drinks for the adults and punch for the kids.

Game Day Traditions

Game Day Traditions

Everything was simply done this go around and it still turned out to be a great day. I’m looking forward to partying during the Big Game.

What are your big game traditions?

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