7 Hygiene Tips You Should Be Teaching Your Child Early In Life

Kids are kids. When it comes to daily concerns, hygiene is something that is probably not high on their list of priorities. As the parent, it then becomes your responsibility to educate and monitor their behavior to make sure they stay clean and safe from germs.

Here are some hygiene tips you may want them to get  started with so your child can begin building good habits early in life.

Always Wear a Clean Pair of Socks

Because they are young, the only thing kids typically care about is playing with their toys and friends. The importance of a freshly laundered pair of socks is probably not on their radar. Inculcate the habit of pulling out a new pair from their drawer before they lace up their trainers and head out to play. At the end of the day, the pair should go in the hamper and not back in the closet.

Because children love to play outdoors and are not the best at making sure they don’t come home with soiled and muddy clothes, it would be wise to invest in antimicrobial socks for kids. This ensures that your child’s feet will stay odor-free for longer while also keeping bacteria and other harmful microbes that could cause  infection at bay,

Hygiene Tips

Wash Hands Thoroughly and Especially before Eating and after Using the Toilet

With harmful bacteria and viruses being invisible to the naked eye, soap and water will be your child’s best friend. Reinforce the practice of proper handwashing. A quick trick is to have them sing the ABCs or the Happy Birthday song while washing their hands so they don’t get bored and find the process cumbersome. Show them that thorough washing is not just rubbing the hands together but also lathering soap between the fingers and under the nails. Get creative and make it fun so that this is one thing your child will not regard as a chore.

When done right, handwashing will soon become like a reflex to your child, and you won’t have to be constantly reminding them to wash their hands as soon as they come in for lunch, dinner, or a snack. Beyond eating, make sure your child knows how crucial it is to wash their hands after using the toilet.

Daily Showers Are Not Optional

If your children could get away without showering, they probably would. Explain the importance of why a daily shower is essential for their health, safety, and cleanliness. Parents can make bath time fun for little tots with waterproof toys. If your child is on the older side, maybe give them the option to customize their own shower playlist to incentivize them to scrub all those dirt and germs away.

One thing your child should remember is that shower time does not merely consist of splashing oneself with water. Make sure they know how to shampoo properly and use a loofah or sponge when soaping their bodies. From behind their ears to the soles of their feet, no body part should go unmissed. After their bath, they should also wipe off completely before donning on a set of fresh clothes.

Never Leave Dirty Laundry Lying around the Bedroom

Aside from being a sight for sore eyes, dirty laundry scattered all over can just exacerbate the spread of germs. Teach your child to always place used clothes in the hamper as soon as they change out of them. Aside from tackling hygiene, this also helps instill a sense of order and organization.

Brush Teeth at Least Twice a Day

No one likes bad breath, especially in your case, where the potential source likely has no concept of personal space when it comes to approaching you. Emphasize the importance of brushing one’s teeth in the morning and at night before they go to bed. Teach circular strokes when brushing and make sure they don’t forget the palate and tongue. Show them how to floss as well and why it’s important to get whatever food may be left in between one’s teeth.

You should also visit a dentist with your child at least twice a year for proper maintenance. You can check out this dentist in decatur for your family’s oral care needs.

Use and Dispose of Used Tissue Paper Properly

When they need to blow their nose or wipe something off their hands, their shirt or jeans should not be the go-to spot for their snot. Make sure they know the importance of using tissue paper and of throwing it away immediately after use. This should then be followed by handwashing to make sure their hands are squeaky clean right after.

Explain the Concept of Why Cleanliness Is Important

Lastly, if you really want your child to adapt these practices, it’s vital to explain to them the purpose behind all this. Discuss how germs like harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi need to be avoided for them to stay happy and healthy. Remember that when it comes to these things, it should be an open conversation so your child will learn to value and put into practice the things you impart.

Raising a child can have you thinking about a million things at once. Luckily, with these tips, there’s one less thing you have to stress about.

Find even more great tips in our health and wellness archives.

We are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice and we cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research before using.

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