Life With Lily by Suzanne Woods Fisher and Mary Ann Kinsinger

LIfe-with-Lily-lg-248x3841.jpgAbout the Book:

Book 1 in the ‘Adventures of Lily Lapp’ series.

Lily is six in this story, just starting first grade in a one-room schoolhouse in upstate New York. Her parents are busy building a farm, and soon animals join the family—Jenny the cow and Chubby the miniature horse. A baby brother arrives, too, which Lily has mixed feelings about. (She wanted a sister!) Aside from a mischievous friend like Mandy Mast, Lily is happy at school and even happier at home.

Trouble is brewing at the schoolhouse and change is on the horizon for Lily and her family.
My Thoughts:
Life with Lily is written from a six year old Amish girls perspective. After reading so many Amish novels, I was thrown just a little bit by the way it was written just because I’m so used to reading other types. But I got into the story very quickly.
Lily is a darling little firecracker with spunk and character. It was so refreshing to read a story from her voice and not just a 3rd party telling of her life. And I loved being able to imagine this 6 year old Amish child going through her day to day life. Some of her stories are sad and some are down right comical and will keep you laughing and laughing. What was even better was being able to read this story with my 9 year old daughter.  She and I love reading together but we can’t always find books that we can discuss. Life with Lily is one of those books. She and I were able to read the story and then talk about the characters together. This made for some wonderful bonding time with a daughter who is growing up way to fast. So it was really nice to be able to sit down with her each night and read and talk and just be together over a great novel.
I would definitely recommend Life With Lily to any parent. Those with both sons and daughters. This is one book you won’t have to censor before reading it with younger children.

{Watch the trailer}

Be sure to visit the “Adventures of Lily Lapp” interactive website. The site is fun for all ages and loaded with games, downloadable coloring pages, Mama’s recipes, a way to ask Lily questions, book giveaways …and more! Check it out by clicking on logo above
Check out the entire blog tour for Life With Lily.SFisher-962.jpgMeet Suzanne:

Suzanne Woods Fisher lives with her family in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has one husband, four children, one son-in-law, a brand new grand-baby, and a couple of dogs. She graduated from Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California.

Suzanne has contracts with Revell for six more books about the Amish, both fiction and non-fiction. She is also the host of “Amish Wisdom·” on, a weekly radio program featuring guests who are connected to Simple Living.Find out more about Suzanne at



Dislcosure: I received a complimentary copy of Life With Lily as a member of Litfuse Blog Tours. All opinions are my own.

2 thoughts on “Life With Lily by Suzanne Woods Fisher and Mary Ann Kinsinger”

  1. Hi Crystal! Thanks so much for your thoughtful review of “Lily.” I’d like to use some of your comments in promotion, if that might be okay. Loved your comment that “Lily” is a book you can discuss with your daughter…plus thank you for recommending it for boys, too! Warmly, Suzanne

    • Hi Suzanne, you most certainly can use any of my comments in any of your promotions! Thank you very much! “Lily” is such a wonderful book and I am so honored to have been able to review it and read it with my daughter.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!!!


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