Moving Out – 6 Tips To Make Your New House Feel Like Home

Moving out, especially from a city as captivating and dynamic as Chicago, can be a profound experience. Chicago, with its towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, rich cultural history, and deep-rooted community bonds, often leaves a lasting impression on its residents. The city’s iconic landmarks, diverse neighborhoods, and vibrant lifestyle make it a unique place to live. Leaving such an environment filled with familiar sights, sounds, and relationships can be challenging.

However, moving to a new home also presents an exciting opportunity to create fresh experiences and make new memories. While the transition might seem daunting, a few strategic steps can help make your new house feel like home, easing the emotional and physical stress of moving.

So, let’s get started:

1. Tackling Pre-Move Tasks with Expert Assistance

Preparing for a move, particularly a long-distance one, requires meticulous planning and organization. In a city like Chicago, where the hustle and bustle can be overwhelming, hiring long-distance moving companies can be a game-changer. These companies specialize in handling the complexities of moving, ensuring that your belongings are safely and efficiently transported to your new home.

When selecting movers, look for reputable services with positive reviews and a track record of reliability. What’s best is that reliable long distance moving companies in Chicago provide valuable assistance in packing, loading, transportation, and even unpacking, making the moving process much smoother. Additionally, start preparing for your move well in advance. Create a comprehensive checklist that includes sorting your belongings, deciding what to take with you, and organizing important documents and essentials for the move. This pre-move phase is also a great time to declutter and donate items you no longer need, making your move more manageable and your new home less cluttered.

2. Personalizing Your New Space

Once you arrive at your new house, start making it your own by adding personal touches. Personalization is key to transforming a house into a home. Begin by arranging your furniture in a way that suits your lifestyle and makes the space feel familiar. Decorate with items that have sentimental value, such as family photos, heirloom pieces, or artwork that reminds you of your time in Chicago.

Consider the color schemes and decor styles that you loved in your previous home and try to incorporate them into your new space. This doesn’t mean replicating your old home entirely but rather using elements that evoke comfort and familiarity. Also, don’t hesitate to experiment with new ideas and styles that resonate with your new environment.

3. Establishing New Routines

Establishing new routines is crucial in making your new house feel like home. Routines provide a sense of structure and normalcy, which can be comforting during the transition period. Begin by exploring your new neighborhood. Discover local cafes, parks, grocery stores, and other amenities. This exploration will not only help you get acquainted with your new surroundings but also assist in developing new daily routines.

Try to maintain some of your old routines from Chicago, whether it’s a morning jog, weekly meal planning, or a Sunday brunch tradition. Simultaneously, be open to adopting new practices that align with your new environment. Establishing routines takes time, so be patient with yourself as you navigate through this phase of adjustment. Creating a blend of old and new habits can help you feel more at home in your new environment, bridging the gap between the familiar and the new.

4. Community Engagement

Moving to a new place offers a unique opportunity to become part of a new community. Engaging with your new surroundings is a crucial step in making your house feel like home. Start by introducing yourself to your neighbors. A simple greeting or a small conversation can go a long way in building relationships. Attend local events or community gatherings, as these are great places to meet people and learn more about the area.

Participating in local activities or joining clubs can also help you integrate into the community. Whether it’s a sports team, a book club, or a volunteer group, being part of these groups allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and creates a sense of belonging. Establishing these new connections can be particularly comforting if you’ve left a strong community back in Chicago.

5. Creating Relaxing and Comfortable Spaces

Your home should be a place where you can relax and unwind. Creating spaces specifically designed for comfort and relaxation can significantly enhance the homely feel of your new house. Consider setting up a cozy corner where you can enjoy reading, meditating, or simply relaxing.

Another idea is to designate areas for hobbies or activities you enjoy. Whether it’s a crafting space, a workout area, or a home theater, these dedicated spaces can make your home more enjoyable and personalized. Incorporate elements that bring you joy and comfort, such as plush cushions, warm blankets, or your favorite artwork. These small additions can make a significant difference in creating a space that feels uniquely yours.

Additionally, pay attention to the ambiance of your home. Factors like lighting, temperature, and scent can influence the overall comfort level. Soft, warm lighting can create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere. Consider using scented candles or essential oil diffusers to add a pleasant aroma to your home, evoking a sense of calm and relaxation.

6. Maintaining Connections with the Past

While it’s important to embrace your new environment, maintaining connections with your past, especially in a city as rich in culture and community as Chicago, is equally important. These connections can provide a sense of continuity and comfort as you transition to your new home. Keep in touch with friends and family you’ve left behind through regular calls, texts, or video chats. Sharing experiences and updates can help you feel closer despite the distance.

Incorporate elements from Chicago into your new home. It could be something as simple as a framed photo of the Chicago skyline, a souvenir from a favorite local spot, or a recipe book of classic Chicago dishes. These tokens can serve as a reminder of your roots and the memories you cherish from your time in the city.

Lastly, celebrate traditions or festivals that were part of your life in Chicago. Whether it’s a specific way you celebrated holidays or a particular event you attended annually, recreating these traditions can keep you connected to your past while making new memories in your new home.


Transitioning to a new house, especially after leaving a city as vibrant as Chicago, is a journey filled with both challenges and opportunities. By tackling pre-move tasks efficiently, personalizing your space, establishing new routines, engaging with your community, creating comfortable spaces, and maintaining connections with your past, you can transform your new house into a warm, welcoming home. These steps not only help you settle into your new environment but also embrace the new chapter of your life with a sense of excitement.

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