Sandwich Platters For A Monster High Birthday!

Sandwich Platters. Why didn’t I think of that? I mentioned the other day that I was going to be throwing a Monster High birthday party for my older two daughters combined birthday at the end of the month. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of food that would not only be easy to eat, but would satisfy everyone attending. I couldn’t think of a thing. For some reason, my brain went null and void and I couldn’t think of a thing.

So I went looking on Pinterest for party foods and party foods for a crowd and found what i was looking for. It sort of hit me like a ton of bricks. Why not do sandwich platters? We have a Subway in our itsy bitsy, teeny ween town. It’s one of only a handful of restaurants nearby actually.  And they offer party platters that are fairly inexpensive and feed a crowd. Sandwiches and cookies. So why not order a sandwich platter from there? It’s ingenious!

I have two Pinterest boards embedded below but they don’t seem to be showing up. The widget builder wasn’t working properly so I’ll also add the links to them and I’ll update as soon as it is working.

I’ve pinned a bunch of ideas to two boards on Pinterest. That way, I can go to my boards and have a visual of what things will resemble. A sandwich platter will take care of a “main course” and then I can make a bunch of side items, dips, desserts, etc. that have the Monster High, Gothic and  Halloween type theme to them. I plan on making cake push up pops, dipped marshmallows and punch. I have a ton of ideas spread out between folders on my computer, notebooks, Evernote and Pinterest. I really need to sit down and get all this organized!

At least I have some of the food lined up though. And the decor and games bought. And I have everything I’ve purchased all together in a big box so I won’t misplace anything. That’s something, right?

Talk to me!

What are some of your favorite party foods? What are some that would go great at a Monster High or Halloween party?


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