Keeping a little ones socks on can be a MAJOR pain in the rear. I know. I have four children. All with big feet. All who usually had one sock on and one sock off. Even to this day, my toddler daughter has one sock that will not stay on. Ever.
Sock Ons are recommended for children who are not yet walking but I wanted to put them to a real test with my daughter and see if they could accomplish the task of keeping that one pesky sock on. I’ll tell you how they worked, but first I want to tell you a little bit about them. 😀
They are made from a nice, stretchy material made up of Nylon and Elastane. Their design is patent pending and fits like a glove over the sock. Not recommended for use with shoes. They come in sizes so you can find the right one for your child. They also come in a variety of colors and even a sneaker print!
Resembling something like a ‘sock jacket’, Sock Ons slip on over the sock and ‘locks’ it into place. The design lies in the fact that if the sock is pulled from the toes, the sock gets locked into the hole around the heel, thus preventing it from slipping off.
Ok, but do they WORK? You betcha! As I said, my daughter is a toddler who is walking. Â And her one pesky sock stayed on ALL DAY! Even when I had to remove her clothing for diaper changes, the sock stayed put. Even when she was up walking around, the sock stayed in place. She even laid in the floor and played with her feet while watching TV like itty bitty babies do. The socks stayed on! They didn’t budge.
And the Sock Ons didn’t pinch or hurt her feet. They weren’t tight. And hers were for size 0-6 months! And she has big feet! So I tried them on a friends little baby too and guess what. They still worked. No sock slippage. Â So, while we put them to the ultimate toddler test above an beyond their actual intended use, we also tested them properly on a baby. And they worked for both. These things ROCK!
Check out this YouTube video from Sock Ons:
Sock Ons are available online at AND AND Amazon.
Retail price: $5.99
And because they rock, one lucky reader in the US or Canada is going to win a pair!
Complete the entry methods in the Rafflecopter widget below. When you finish a method, click the green “I did this” button and move on to the next method. Giveaway ends Saturday – Â October 1, 2011.
I received complimentary samples to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own and or those of family members/friends assisting the review. No monetary compensation was received.
My must have baby product is my daughters swing. That is a life saver!!!
These are perfect for my daughter. Can I have one of those. 🙂