Show Off Your New Christmas Gift With A TV Mount

Mounting Dream Wall TV Mount

Many folks take advantage of the amazing deals on TV’s that many stores have on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. We didn’t this year, but, last year we were fortunate enough to score a big smart tv for a great

Things To Consider When Purchasing A New Dishwasher

5 things to consider when purchasing a new dishwasher

When Clay and bought our home a couple years ago, we both agreed that the bathroom and kitchen both needed a little remo work. Our house was built in the 1970’s, has NEVER been updated, other than paint and carpet

Things To Consider When Purchasing A New Refrigerator

Things To Consider When Purchasing A New Refrigerator

When Clay and I bought our home a couple years ago, (wow, has it really been 2 years already?) it came furnished with an old, nasty, off-white refrigerator. This thing had not been cleaned in….. ever? The gaskets had/have gunk