Upgrade Your Throne To A Delta Faucet Corrente Toilet At Home Depot.

I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Delta Faucet. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. All opinions are my own.

Delta Faucet Corrente Toilet

I’ve got toilets on the brain. I’ve been thinking about that royal throne all day. Seriously? Well, yeah! Who doesn’t?

Ok, not really. But there are some people out there that do think about toilets. A. Lot. But not in a weird way.

Delta Faucet thinks about them. So does Home Depot. Did you know you can actually upgrade your potty? Um, yeah. Well you can.

The reason Delta Faucet wants you to think about toilets is because they want you to think about upgrading to one of their Delta Corrente Toilets! If the term sleek can be applied to a toilet, then these little stinkers (pun intended) are super sleek. They are practically clog free. And considering I have a teenage son and 3 daughters who go through rolls of toilet paper like you wouldn’t believe, that is a super plus. They also feature a SmartFit connector to secure mounting components and help eliminate leak points. Because nobody wants a leaky toilet. Believe me, you DON’T want that!

The new Delta Corrente Toilet comes with an EZ Out removal kit. That makes uninstalling your old toilet much easier. It also reduces the risk of damage to your bathroom in the process. The toilets are also WaterSense labeled as they use less water per flush, saving you up to $90 a year on your water bill.

If you’ve thought about upgrading your bathroom, don’t forget about the toilet! You can purchase a Delta Faucet Corrente Toilet for your upcoming DIY projects online at Delta Faucet OR Home Depot. Links above.


Image courtesy of cbenjasuwan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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