Veterinary Integrative Services is the practice of using alternative treatments to provide your pet with an alternative way of healing. These services include acupuncture, chiropractic therapy, hydrotherapy, and Chinese herbal medicine. In case of emergency, you can make an appointment with an emergency vet near me.

Acupuncture for animals has been used as a type of Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is used in conjunction with conventional medicine to help with various conditions. It may also be used to manage pain postoperatively.
Acupuncture stimulates acupoints, or chemical sites, in the body to relieve pain and promote healing. Acupoints are located along specific meridian points. When acupoints are produced, a neurotransmitter is released that reduces pain. Blood circulation is improved.
Acupuncture for pets is often used to manage conditions such as arthritis and respiratory problems. Additionally, it can aid in muscle and skin issues. Further, it can help with gastrointestinal problems. It might be combined with other types of therapy, like laser therapy.
Chinese herbal medicine
Acupuncture and herbal therapy are a few holistic medical practices used in integrative veterinary services. These therapies are effective for treating and healing various conditions in pets.
Chinese herbal medicine can be used separately or in addition to other types of therapy. Herbals are gentle on the system and are an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. Veterinary integrative services, for instance, one that Divine TLC offers, can be provided at a pet owner’s home.
Chinese herbal therapy has a proven track record of efficacy and safety. These herbs are used for both chronic and acute illnesses. Many clinical studies have been conducted to demonstrate their effectiveness.
Acupuncture can be used to treat pain and a variety of other disorders. Acupuncture needles stimulate the Qi movement and increase blood and lymphatic flow. Some acupuncture points also increase the density of nerve bundles.
Physical rehabilitation
Veterinary physical rehabilitation (PT) is a non-pharmaceutical therapy that can treat various musculoskeletal and neurologic conditions. It can also be used to reduce pain and muscle loss following surgery.
Many pets respond well to veterinary rehabilitation, including senior pets. Repair is essential for orthopedic and neurologic conditions. The objective is to increase the animal’s strength and flexibility and decrease pain.
Some rehabilitation modalities include therapeutic ultrasound, therapeutic laser, and electromagnetic field therapy. A rehabilitative team consists of a veterinarian and rehabilitation therapists.
A rehabilitation plan is developed after a physical examination and discussing of the patient’s goals. Each therapy will be customized to the patient’s specific needs.
A rehabilitation plan may include home therapy, in-clinic therapies, and dietary supplements. The rehabilitative team may collaborate with the pet’s primary care veterinarian if needed.
Veterinary integrative services include hydrotherapy, an aquatic therapy that uses the buoyancy of water. This therapy reduces stress on joints and muscles, speeds recovery from injury, improves mobility, and increases circulation. It can also aid in the development of muscle mass.
Hydrotherapy is a standard therapeutic service. It is often used to help dogs recover from surgery and injury. It has also improved the joint range of motion in osteoarthritic patients.
In most small animal practices, underwater treadmills are part of veterinary physical rehabilitation. Your dog can exercise specific muscles and joints on the underwater treadmill while submerged in warm water. The warm water helps to relax muscles and reduce stress.
Hydrotherapy can also be used to help pets recover from injury and surgery. It increases circulation and reduces pain. It can also help pets lose weight without pain.
Routine exams
Getting a routine vet checkup is a must for most pet owners. The vet’s office is the perfect setting to catch any early signs of an illness before they become big problems. Your veterinarian will gather a thorough medical history, do a physical examination, and could even suggest additional wellness tests during the visit.
The vet may recommend a follow-up exam, especially if your pet has an existing medical condition such as a urinary tract infection. These follow-up exams may even include a short 15-minute session with a nurse. The vet may also recommend a more comprehensive wellness plan to prevent disease in the first place.
The vet will also discuss any existing medical conditions with you and may even recommend a diet that complements your pet’s lifestyle. They may also recommend a new medication or treatment. Your vet may also offer to explain the differences between a conventional prescription and a homeopathic one.