What You Should Know About Water Filters

Water contamination is caused by human activities or could occur naturally. When it happens, it makes the water unsafe for human consumption. So, you need water filters to remove the contaminants and prepare it for drinking. The Energy Blueprint program places emphasis on drinking filtered water to help reduce pollutants. Note that industrial chemicals and pesticides can cause the body to get fatigued when ingested in large quantities. 

What You Should Know About Water Filters

It is, therefore, critical to ensure that drinking water is free of these contaminants. This article intends to educate you about filters and their use.

They are designed to eliminate contaminants

Filters remove contaminants from water, but to do this job, you need to ensure that you use filters from a reliable manufacturer. Some filters are specifically designed to remove organic contaminants. So, you must ensure that they are changed regularly for the best results. Luckily, some of them have a light that will signal you when it is time to replace the filters.

Activated carbon granules

Activated carbon is the most commonly used filter for the home. The carbon is then packed with spaces that trap chemical impurities via the absorption process. Activated carbon removes heavy metals, microbes, and fluorine with ease. The trouble is, that it gets clogged up quickly and the filter must be replaced regularly. 


The benefits of filtering water are many and varied. They include:

  • Purification of tap water to eliminate harmful bacteria, chlorine, and bad tastes.
  • Filtered water is safer when compared to bottled water and is more cost effective.
  • Filtered water tastes and smells better compared to tap or bottled water.
  • Filtered water is free from bacteria and will protect your body from a wide range of diseases; thus, it leads to a healthy lifestyle.
  • It costs less- once a water filter has been purchased, it will purify water for you for a very long period. You do not have to buy the expensive bottled water which is packed in bottles that pollutes the environment.
  • Water filters remove minerals and metals from water. The most common metals it eliminates are magnesium and copper. If left in water, these minerals react with each other to form deposits, which make such water unsuitable for drinking. When you filter it, you remove all the deposits and make the water safer for drinking.


  • Filtration may not remove pesticides from water. It means that even though it removes chlorine and heavy metals, it cannot be relied on to remove cancer-causing pesticides.
  • Requires regular maintenance – water filters must be maintained periodically for them to continue offering filtration services. Also, if the filters are not replaced regularly, the unit may not filter the water. This means that the final product you get is more harmful than tap water. It may expose the user to more problems.

As we can see, the pros of filtering water outweigh the cons. It is advisable that you filter water to make it safe for drinking.

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