Beauty and The Beast will be releasing in theaters everywhere next month, March 17th. In anticipation for the upcoming movie I have 10 fun Beauty And The Beast Coloring Sheets for you to print and color.
All 10 pdf Beauty And The Beast Coloring Sheets are in a zip file. Just click the download button, below, and save it to your computer’s hard drive. Then unzip, print and color. If you need a utility to unzip the files you can get one for free at
To go along with the coloring sheets, I also have a clip from the opening number “Belle” as well as a new featurette about bringing the film to life with never before seen interviews from the cast and filmmakers:
“Belle” Clip:
“Bringing Beauty To Life” Featurette:
I hope you enjoyed the clips and these Beauty And The Beast Coloring Sheets.
10 Beauty And The Beast Coloring Sheets
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Do you plan on seeing Beauty And The Beast in theaters March 17?