Cleaning Kitchen Towels: The Ultimate Guide For Fresh And Hygienic Towels

The Ultimate Guide To Cleaning Kitchen Towels: Best Practices and Tips

Kitchen towels are genuine jacks of all trades. They can quickly dry your hands, dishes, and countertops, and are also handy for cleaning kitchen surfaces after making dinner. However, their versatility means they require regular maintenance; without proper care, your kitchen towels can start to look drab and smell musty.

By keeping your kitchen towels clean, you ensure a healthier kitchen environment and make the task of keeping things clean more delightful. Here are some effective tips for cleaning kitchen towels to help prolong their life. 

P.S. Your bath towels, tea towels, and dishcloths can benefit from the same treatment!

Why Properly Cleaning Kitchen Towels Is Essential

Kitchen towels are staple fixtures in many homes and can be used for various purposes, from drying dishes and hands to mopping up spills. But did you know that kitchen towels can harbor bacteria? A study published by the Journal of Food Protection in 2019 found that kitchen towels had high bacterial growth—including the family of bacteria that E. coli is part of.

There are several reasons why dish towels are prone to bacteria growth. To start, they come into contact with various surfaces and substances from kitchen surfaces. Additionally, kitchen towels often get wet, and if you don’t allow them to dry properly, they can develop unpleasant odors or even mold.

Keeping your kitchen towels clean can help you keep your kitchen healthy and hygienic and prevent you and your family from developing foodborne illnesses.

How Often Should You Wash Kitchen Towels?

Washing kitchen towels regularly is important for keeping your kitchen clean, but how often you should wash them depends on how you use them.

Generally, you should wash kitchen towels every one to two days. Towels used just for drying hands can go up to five days without needing a wash, while towels used for cleaning should be washed right after heavy use. Here are a few things to consider:

  • How often you use the towel
  • What you use it for
  • The temperature and humidity in your kitchen

By considering these factors, you can keep your kitchen towels fresh and clean.

If you’re unsure whether your kitchen towels need to be washed, there are several signs to look out for. If you notice that your kitchen towels have an unpleasant odor, it’s time to throw them in the wash. Similarly, if you notice that your towels are discolored or have visible stains, washing them can help prolong their lives.

Step-by-Step Guide To Washing Kitchen Towels In The Washing Machine

Now you know how often to wash your kitchen towels, you should learn how to clean them correctly. There are several dos and don’ts when it comes to kitchen towel hygiene, but by following this simple laundry routine, you can keep your towels clean and functional for years.

1. Prep Towels For Washing

The first step is to get your kitchen towels ready for washing. Shake off any debris into the trash can and separate your towels by color. If you notice any stains, you can pre-treat them before you throw them in the wash.

2. Wash In Hot Water

Hot water can help kill any lingering bacteria on your kitchen towels while thoroughly cleaning them and removing stubborn stains. Avoid washing kitchen towels in cold water, as it can cause them to retain dirt, stains, and bacteria—not to mention a nasty smell—after they come out of the washer.

3. Use The Correct Detergent

There are dozens of laundry detergents on the market, which can make finding the right one daunting. Kitchen towels need a hardworking detergent that can clean, remove bacteria, and leave your towels smelling fresh and clean. Non-toxic laundry detergent sheets can clean your towels without nasty chemicals. The best laundry detergent sheets are designed for all your laundry, from everyday clothes and sheets to stinky towels and workout attire. Avoid fabric softeners; they leave a film on towels and decrease their absorbability. 

4. Use Vinegar To Remove Odors

If your towels are extra smelly, add vinegar to your washing machine to remove the stink. Vinegar is acidic, so it can break down buildup and other nastiness that may have collected on your towels.

5. Don’t Under- Or Over-Dry

Failure to dry your towels properly can cause them to become germ magnets. But overdrying them is bad as well. If you overdry your kitchen towels, you could cut their lifespan short, meaning you’ll need to replace them sooner.

Sanitizing Kitchen Towels: Tips For A Germ-Free Kitchen

Sanitizing kitchen towels can help prevent the spread of germs and keep you and your household healthy. But when should you sanitize your dish towels—and how often should you do it?

The frequency at which you sanitize your kitchen towels depends on how you use them. One best practice is to sanitize the towels when they develop a damp or musty smell, but it’s also smart to sanitize them after they’ve been in contact with meat, eggs, or other food items that can cause illness.

There are several effective natural and non-toxic methods for disinfecting your kitchen towels. One popular method is to use white vinegar, which acts as a natural disinfectant and helps remove odors. Simply add a cup of vinegar to your wash cycle for fresh, clean towels.

Another option is hydrogen peroxide, which can sanitize without harsh chemicals. You can add it to your laundry as a stain remover or use it to pre-soak particularly dirty towels. These natural household staples will leave your towels looking fresh and clean while promoting a healthier kitchen environment.

How To Remove Stubborn Stains And Odors From Kitchen Towels

Some stains are hard to remove. If you’ve used a kitchen towel to mop up red wine, ketchup, oil, or coffee, you’re probably wondering if your towels will ever look the same. Let’s explore how to remove stains from kitchen towels the right way to keep them looking new longer.

  • Oil can be tricky to remove, especially if you’ve washed the towel several times before treating the stain. If you have liquid dish soap on hand, pretreat oily stains with it. Alternatively, sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch over the stain and scrub it with a soft-bristle brush or toothbrush. Let it sit for about an hour before tossing the towel in the wash.
  • Sauce stains (especially tomato-based ones) are notorious for their staying power. To treat sauce and other food stains, make a paste out of water and baking soda and apply it to the stain. Let the paste sit for a few minutes to penetrate the stain, then wipe it off and wash as normal. 
  • Coffee gives you life in the morning but can ruin your kitchen towels when you mop up a spill. To treat coffee stains, mix water and distilled white vinegar. Leave the mixture on the towel for several minutes, then rinse it off and toss it in the laundry.
  • Red wine is another common cause of stubborn stains. You can remove it with a mixture of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. Because hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent, it can eliminate red wine stains as well as (or even better than) commercial cleaners. Before applying the mixture to your kitchen towel, test the mixture in an inconspicuous spot, as it could stain your towels.

How To Care For Your Kitchen Towels To Prolong Their Life

If you want to ensure your kitchen towels last as long as possible, follow these tips for proper kitchen towel care:

  • Wash your towels on a hot cycle using the best laundry detergent sheets.
  • Fold towels neatly and place them in a drawer, cabinet, or basket on the countertop so they’re easy to reach.
  • Check that your kitchen towels are fully dry before putting them away.
  • Wash towels often to prevent stains, bacteria, and mold from developing.
  • Avoid using fabric softener on your kitchen towels.
  • Use vinegar in your washing machine to remove stubborn smells.
  • Invest in higher-quality kitchen towels that will have a longer lifespan than cheaper alternatives.
  • Don’t use the same towel for multiple functions.
  • Kitchen towels should be washed separately; don’t wash them together with other dirty clothes. 

Caring for your kitchen towels can help them last longer. This means less money is spent replacing them, and less fabric waste is sent to landfills, which is a win for everyone. Follow these tips to keep your towels fresh and your kitchen delightful.

HeySunday Laundry Detergent Sheets

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