Tips To Relieve Kids Miserable Allergy And Cold Symptoms

There are several colds and viruses making their way through Kentucky right now and the cold symptoms are rearing their ugly heads. As if their regular springtime allergies weren’t enough to contend with, not they have yucky colds to go with them.

The Pfizer Pediatric Platform products, information, and additional gift pack have been provided by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. All thoughts and reviews are my own.

According to this handy website that let’s me track the sick in out area, allergies, the common cold and asthma symptoms are being highly reported right now. My kids tell me every day about a child in their classroom that went home sick with something or other. When my kids catch it, and they will, I want to be able to treat their symptoms quickly and effectively.

A virus has to run its course. While you can’t actually treat the virus, you can treat the cold symptoms. These may include (but not always limited to):

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Runny Nose
  • Sneezing
  • Watery Eyes
  • Sore Throat
  • Headache
  • Body Aches
  • etc…

There’s a lot of yuck that goes with a cold. And when one of us gets it, all of us get it. Apparently my kids love to share… colds. Top that off with our seasonal allergies and our house get miserable quick. So I’ve learned a few tricks and tips along the way to help relive those nasty allergy and cold symptoms.

When you know for sure it’s a cold, here are a few of my tips to relive cold symptoms:

  1. Flush it out:

When you have nasty mucus in your head you can feel like there is a ton of bricks clogging up your sinuses. It’s miserable, I know. Blowing your nose is a good start but if you’re really clogged up you may not be able to. A neti-pot is a great way to flush all the icky mucus out of there.

  1. Steam it out:

A hot steamy shower or placing your head over a bowl of steamy water (don’t burn yourself) and covering your head with  a towel to target the steam to your sinuses is another great way to open your sinuses and help flush the yuck out.

  1. Medicate it:

The symptoms of a cold can leave your kids (and you) feeling miserable. Sometimes medication to treat the symptoms is the only way to go. Over the counter products like these from Pfizer (available at Target) will help treat your kids cold symptoms quickly and effectively without making them feel worse.

My favorite products to use with our kids are:

Pfizer products to treat cold symptoms Pfizer products to treat cold symptoms   Pfizer products to treat cold symptoms

  • Infants’ and Children’s Advil®: ibuprofen providing fever and pain relief (for ages 6 months -11 years)
  • Children’s Robitussin® provides soothing action and cough control with some formulations lasting up to 8 hours (for ages 6-12 years)
  • Children’s Dimetapp® provides relief of cold symptoms like stuffy and runny noses and cough (for ages 6+)

My kids like the Dye-free White Grape Children’s Advil. It doesn’t taste so much like medicine that they can’t get it down. it goes down easily and starts working quickly.

Ease those aches and pains, while reducing a child’s fever fast with Children’s Advil®, a great solution for kids as young as 2 and up to 11. Children’s Advil® comes in several great-tasting flavors, including: Sugar-free Dye-free Berry, Bubble Gum, Grape, Blue Raspberry, Fruit and Dye-Free White Grape flavors. There’s also Infants’ Advil® White Grape, which provides unsurpassed fever relief with a syringe for easy dosing for children 6-23 months.

Formulated just for kids, Children’s Robitussin® DM Day/Night Pack (Children’s Robitussin® Cough & Chest Congestion and Children’s Robitussin® Nighttime Cough) non-drowsy daytime formula helps break up chest congestion, while the long-acting nighttime formula relieves coughs and runny noses to help kids get the rest they need.

All in a great tasting grape flavor, Children’s Dimetapp® Cold & Cough tackles a child’s most bothersome stuffy and runny noses, all while working to relieve cough.

*It is important to remember to always read and keep the cartons for complete warnings and dosing information on Pfizer Pediatric Platform products and to use as directed

Sick Just Got Real: Pfizer products to treat cold symptoms

Pfizer has a really cool website for when  Sick just got real.â„¢ that allows you to input your childs symptoms to find the best products to treat them as well as hacks like making a “sip and track” bottle to keep track of fluid intake and adding hot glue to a pair of “sick day socks” to add some extra grip and safety. (Check out the Sick just got real.™  FB page!)

  1. Rest:

When my kids feel bad all they want to do is sleep. Getting plenty of rest is one way to help our body naturally fight off what’s ailing it. Get plenty of rest when you’re sick. Let the kids nap or lay on the couch and watch tv. Playtime, homework and chores will still be there when they’re better.

  1. Hydrate:

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! You can go a few days without eating much if you don’t have an appetite but you can’t go without proper hydration. Our bodies need water. And when you are sick with a fever and sweating, have a runny nose or are vomiting you get dehydrated very quickly. So make sure you keep pushing those liquids when you are sick.

  1. Chill it or Warm it:

When my kids have a fever they go through stages of feeling hot, then cold. With the heat of a fever they love an cold pack on their forehead. I have a couple things I use for this. I have a neck tie (for outdoor activities) that can be soaked in cool water and then worn around your neck to keep you cool. It has gel beads inside that swell up and stay cool. This works great placed on the forehead during a fever and can be washed and reused.

For the chills, a blanket and wash cloth warmed in the dryer help. Cover your child with the blanket and, like with the cooling tie, place the warm, dry wash cloth on their forehead to help ease the chills.

These tips work with allergy symptoms too. They can be almost as bad as a cold!

Pfizer Pediatric Platform Product Bundle Giveaway!

Pfizer Pediatric Giveaway Bundle

One lucky reader will receive a bundle of Pfizer Pediatric Platform products. Open to US residents only.
Giveaway ends 5/19/16.

To enter simply follow the instructions in the Giveaway Tools widget below.

Winner will be notified via email on our about 5/20/16 and will have 48 hours to respond. If no response is received within 48 hours, winner will forfeit prize and a new winner will be chosen.

Good luck!

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

20 thoughts on “Tips To Relieve Kids Miserable Allergy And Cold Symptoms”

  1. We put a humidifier in the bedroom and buy the soft tissues with Vicks in them. Buy some vitamin c drops and get plenty of rest and fluids.

  2. When my 2 year old gets sick I know its going to be a rough few days. When his nose is clogged up and he has problems breathing, I feel horrible. I make sure to give him a bath before he goes to bed because the steam from the water helps clear his nose.

  3. The only tips that help my little one are staying hydrated and using a vaporizer. We always use Childrens advil, its a brand we trust.

  4. Vix on feet with socks on, medication, fluids, cool clothes, and their special blankies, stuffed animals, and sippies.

  5. vaporizer lots of fluids make them chicken soup lots of cuddle and make them feel warm and never get upset lots of patience also med to help their little chest and flu for them to feel better soon.

  6. Lots of fluids and resting on the couch. We keep a couple of rice packs in the freeze so my daughter can have one on her head when she has a fever.


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