Obesity is a real risk for cats as much as for humans. Do you actually know how much your cat weighs or should weigh? The answer that most pet owners will give is “not really.” And this is normal, you don’t have the habit of weighing your cat regularly, and to be honest, you can win a couple of scratches if you try. But the weight of your cat is very important for its health. Keep reading to understand why and if your cat should lose a couple of pounds.

What are the risks of cat obesity?
Obesity is the overaccumulation of body fat. It is a very dangerous condition seen more and more often in animals and humans. Usually, obesity leads to gaining extra body weight, which is the first sign you might notice.
Senior cats are especially prone to obesity. And this sometimes is because you didn’t change their adult food to one suitable for seniors. There are many choices of what food you can give your old cat, and here is what Cat Food Point has listed as some of the best options. What food and how much your cat is receiving is one of the most important factors determining their body weight and if they are considered fat. But your cat being fat doesn’t necessarily mean that it is obese.
Body weight and body fat are two very different things. And one is way easier to measure than the other. To see how much your cat weighs, you need patience and a weighing scale. But to measure body fat is a bit hard to calculate, and it is always better to be done by a veterinarian. Usually, if your cat’s weight is more than 20% above the regular one, the risk of obesity is considerable.
Obesity can decrease the life of your cat and can lead to many additional health conditions like:
- Diabetes;
- Hypertension;
- Different types of cancer;
- Respiratory problems;
- Allergies;
- Heart disease;
- Stones in their bladder;
- Joint issues, etc.
Does your cat need to lose weight?
The average weight of a house cat should be between 8 and 10 pounds. But again, it will depend very much on the bread, the age, and the size of your pet. You can try to calculate this, but it is always better to consult with your vet to make sure you are right. So, if you see that your cat is going way above the 10 pounds mark, this is a sign that your cat is starting to gain some body weight and the risk of obesity increases.

Other ways to check if your cat is gaining some additional weight is to squeeze the sides of their rib cage or look over their waistline. If you can feel the ribs without pressing too much then, this would mean that your cat is definitely not fat. Their body should be slimmer at their hindquarters than at their belly.
There can be many reasons for your cat to start suddenly gaining weight. As we mentioned, one of them is aging, but others are less activity, stress, and various health conditions. And gaining weight might not always lead to obesity, but you should always consult your vet after the first signs of unusual weight gain. By preventing your overweight, you prevent obesity as well.
Obesity can lead to many more severe conditions that can cause a lot of pain to your friend. Ensure you observe your cat’s weight and keep it at the recommended levels to prevent this. If you detect any unusual change in your pet’s weight, make sure you consult with your vet and take the needed measures. Your furry friend’s health is your responsibility, and by taking care of it, you guarantee their happiness as well.
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