Enhance Your Look With Clean EWG VERIFIED™ Mascara

Before self-isolation, I wore make-up every day. Every. Single. Day. Not a ton, but every day, none- the less. Mostly, mascara and eyeliner and then a full face when going out. That’s a lot of chemicals being applied to my face each day, especially around my eyes. In the past, I hadn’t given it much thought. But, this year, I’ve become more aware of what’s in the products we use and I want to reduce the toxins in our home. Many of the store bought brands I’d been using scored an F on the ewg.org site! I started with making my own cleaning products and worked my way to searching for clean beauty products like the EWG VERIFIED™ mascara by Rejuva Minerals.

Rejuva EWG VERIFIED™ Mega Lash Mascara

Rejuva Minerals reached out to me regarding their newest Mega Lash Mascara shade, “Coffee Bean”. I asked to try it out and they sent me some samples. All opinions are strictly my own. Your results may vary from mine.

I was extremely excited because their Mega Lash line is EWG VERIFIED™! What this means is items must be free of substances that EWG has put on its “unacceptable” list and meet limits for chemicals on EWG’s “restricted” list.

Ingredients on these lists have been banned or restricted by U.S. or international government agencies or other authoritative public health bodies, such as the World Health Organization. Companies must also fully disclose their products’ ingredients – including the specific ingredients that make up their fragrance mixtures – and follow good manufacturing practices.


Beauty and cleaning products on the list are clean and safer for use. I feel better using eye make-up that is on this list! 

I received both their new Coffee Bean shade and their Midnight Mega Lash mascara. Both are fabulous! Mega Lash contains clean ingredients that include conditioning organic Cotton Flower and Avocado Fruit Extract, so they don’t just color your lashes, they benefit them as well. It is free of animal byproducts, GMOs, gluten, mica, talc, soy, parabens as well as high-risk and harmful toxins found in traditional mascaras.

Rejuva EWG VERIFIED™ Mega Lash Mascara

These mascaras have a thick wand that grabs your lashes and lifts them. It applies the mascara pretty evenly. I applied 2 coats, letting the first dry a bit, then applying the 2nd. The look was natural, yet full and thicker. They didn’t look a ton longer with the Coffee Bean but they did look much fuller. My lashes are very light brown (almost blonde) and barely there in appearance. I have decent lashes, you just can’t see them without mascara, because they’re so light. For a nighttime look, I’d probably apply a couple more coats for super thick, luxurious lashes.

Rejuva EWG VERIFIED™ Mega Lash Mascara

The first thing I noticed about this EWG VERIFIED™ Mascara when applying it, is that it didn’t have an overpowering smell. It doesn’t smell chemically like many brands I’ve tried. And it didn’t make my eyes water or burn. My eye lids didn’t get itchy after a couple hours. I was able to wear it all day, even on my worst seasonal allergy days with no problem.

Now, this mascara can resist water but it is NOT waterproof. It can smudge or smear if you go underwater or get caught in a downpour. But a little water, light rain, etc won’t ruin your look.

It removed easily with a makeup wipe, micellar water or eye safe soap and water. I tried just using water and a wash cloth and it just smeared on my eyelids. Again, water resistant but not waterproof.

I typically wear only black mascara and eyeliner. So, I was excited to try the Coffee Bean shade, since it’s not one I’d normally choose. I actually fell in love. It gives me a more natural look, by enhancing the natural color of my lashes and darkening them a shade. I wish they had an EWG
VERIFIED™ eye liner in Coffee Bean because I would totally buy it to complete the natural look!

If you’re looking for make-up and skin care products that are clean and free of the harsh, nasty chemicals, check out Rejuva Minerals and their awesome EWG VERIFIED™ products!

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