Get A Free Mystery Oil And Double Loyalty Reward Points This Week!

My oily friends, I have a deal for you this week! From today through the 18th, you can get a FREE mystery oil on purchases of $100 or more PLUS Club OIL’TY members will receive DOUBLE reward points!

free mystery oil

Offer ends 6/18/2021 at 11:59pm MT | Must be logged into Club Oil’ty to earn points | While supplies last

As much as I love knowing what I’m ordering, I also LOVE to get a free mystery oil from time to time. The reason is that I usually wither get an oil I’ve been hesitating to try or I get one I’ve not heard of. Then I fall in love and have something new in my essential oil arsenal!

One time, from somewhere else, I got Bergamot FCF Essential Oil. I was new to oils and had never smelled it. I HAD smelled some handmade lotion once that claimed to have that “fragrance” (not sure if it was EO or synthetic fragrance oil) in it and hated it, so I was always hesitant to buy it, myself. Well, lo and behold, Bergamot is a lovely citrus oil that smells amazing! If I hadn’t received it, I would have never known how much I love it! It has since become one of my favorite oils.

Needless to say, mystery oils can sometimes be great things to get!

Once again, Loyalty members get double points on all purchases PLUS get a FREE mystery oil when you spend $100+ at Rocky Mountain Oils.

Find past essential oil deals and essential oil recipes in our archives!

What one oil have you been hesitating to try that you would love to receive as a mystery oil? How would you use that particular oil? My favorite way to use Bergamot is in a sugar scrub with other essential oils! (recipe coming soon!)

Check out our Essential Oil videos below!

Essential Oil Recipe Videos

Simply Earth Recipe Box Unboxing Videos

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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