God Gave Us the World by Lisa Tawn Bergren has got to be my new favorite book to read to my children.
Like our own children, Little Cub reaches an age where she notices that not everyone is the same. While at an exhibit entitled “Bears Around the World”, she asks her mother about these differences. There are bears in other parts of the world, like Polar Bears, that are much different from her. Her mother explains throughout the story that God created all different kinds with unique features and different likes and dislikes. This is what makes the world so wonderful!
Lisa Tawn Bergern has done a wonderful job capturing the child’s attention and explaining why we are not all alike. As I was reading the story to my children, my four year old daughter asked many questions about the different bears and applied them to differences in her family and friends. She seemed to really grasp the idea of the story.
If your child is noticing the differences between themselves and their friends, this is a great book to aid in explaining why God chose to make us all unique.
“Every bear has a special place in God’s great, big world.”