There are times when you need to travel with a baby and helping your baby sleep while traveling can be difficult. Babies tend to get on a sleep schedule. When we travel, we do things at different times of the day. There may be times when you are driving for several hours. Or you may visit a lot of attractions when on vacation. An overly tired baby can be a cranky baby which can disrupt some of your plans. So you’ll want to try to stick to their regular sleep schedule as much as possible.
Here are 5 Tips To Keep Baby’s Sleep Schedule While Traveling

Traveling with your baby or young child can be challenging, especially when it comes to keeping his or her naptime and bedtime routines. Getting good rest is the key to keeping your little one in a good mood when you are away from home and on the go, so these five tips may come in handy if you are thinking about traveling in the near future:
1) Don’t Skip The Naptime
Keep baby feeling safe and secure by following the same naptime and bedtime routine that you do at home. Bring along his or her favorite books, toys, and blankets – especially those that your baby associates with sleep (napping and bedtime).
2) Stay In During The Evening Hours
When possible, try to include lots of outdoor activities during the day but stay close to home (where you are staying) in the evening, to help your baby wind down and fall asleep for the night.
3) Use A Travel Crib
Research and purchase a good travel crib at Investing in a sturdy travel crib that offers good support and a comfortable mattress will be worth its weight in gold for this and other trips.
4) Include Soothing Sounds
Bring along a source of soothing background noise for baby’s room: baby’s nighttime cd’s, a sleep sounds app for your mobile device, or sound machine.
5) Plan Ahead
Plan your daily activities around your baby’s nap schedule. If possible, let them sleep at least once per day in the travel crib or bed where they will be sleeping at night.
These are just a few tips shared courtesy of Sprout Organic.
What are some of your personal tips to help keep baby’s sleep schedule while traveling.