How To Choose The Right Air Filter For Dust Control?

Which air filter is the long-lasting one? Which one is good for dust control? All these questions will be solved instantly; just keep reading!


Dust is a very small particle but can be very annoying for anyone. This gets inside your nose and makes you feel uncomfortable. A tool named an air filter is always used to get rid of dust from the air. You can find them in almost every house, but they tend to run out and become useless within a few years or months. 

Many people usually think air filters aren’t that important and do not use air filters in their houses. But, in the long run, they are victims of various allergies and respiratory diseases like asthma. Therefore, a good cleaning of filthy air filters is necessary to keep the HVAC system’s performance.

The causes of dust getting inside your houses are mentionable;

  • Dirty air filters and furnace filters.
  • Using cheap air filters.
  • Air duct leaks.
  • Dust is coming from outside through the window.

What Are Merv Filters?

Merv stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. These filters have grades ranging from 1-20. For instance, Merv 8, Merv 11, and Merv 13. Higher grades indicate a more efficient filter for detecting duct particles and microparticles. The typically controlled contaminant and their typical application of a few Merv filters are given below:

  • MERV 5-8: Their particle-allowing size is around 3.0μm to 10.0μm. Dust mite debris, mold, cat and dog dander, spores, fabric protector, and pudding mix are their typical controlled contaminant. The usual applications of this equipment include improved residential, general business, and industrial workplaces.
  • MERV 9-12: Their particle-allowing size is around 1.0μm to 3.0μm. Its typical controlled contaminant is Humidifier dust, legionella, milled flour, lead dust, and auto-emission particle. For regular use, we recommend using it in hospital labs, superior housing, and better business environments.

Considerations Before Buying an Air Filter

  • Picking an air filter: This point focuses on the aspect of selecting a suitable 12x12x1 air filter. First, you need to choose an air filter you can afford and test its quality and other advantages. Lastly, you need to determine how much it will clean the air in your room.
  • Check For Energy Consumption and Noise Level: Filtration systems are more difficult to operate at higher noise levels; therefore, make sure you purchase a machine that doesn’t exceed 40-50 dB in noise level.
  • Check For Customer Reviews and Feedback: By looking at its various feedback and reviews, you can get a clear idea and summary of the product. You can then justify if it’ll be a good decision if you buy it or just look for another model.
  • Consider Cleaning and Maintenance Costs: Consider how often the air cleaner unit needs to be cleaned or replaced before purchasing an air filter. In addition, maintaining it will cost more since simple tools cannot solve the issue.


Pay attention and stay clear about choosing a basic air filter since these filters become outdated very quickly; as a result, you will need to replace your air filter once again, which will cost you even more money. Considering the CADR score when purchasing an air filter for your home is very important, as it can reduce the number of contaminants and allergens in your indoor air. Therefore, consider the points mentioned above while choosing your air filter to make your purchase worth it. If you are confused regarding the process, contact Mervfilters for further assistance.

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