How To Ensure The Safety Of Scaffolding Planks

Because of instability or overloading, scaffolds can collapse and that can result in your injury or demise. This is the reason why it is of utmost importance to maintain and ensure the integrity of scaffolding planks, and other essential parts before using scaffolds. When there is a construction going on, the safety of everyone is a priority.

How To Ensure The Safety Of Scaffolding Planks

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, up to 72% of workers injured because of accidents that involve scaffoldings are usually due to:

  • Planks giving way
  • Collapsing of certain parts of the support system
  • Falling objects
  • Electrocution
  • Slipping or tripping on the plank

Several things could go wrong while you’re standing on scaffolding planks. Being the most cautious person on the planet is pointless if the scaffold that you are on isn’t secure and reliable. This is why it is a must to ensure the safety of the structure before you attempt to climb onto it and carry out your tasks.

Here are some of the steps to take to make sure that scaffolds used at a construction site won’t collapse and keep you from going home in one piece:

Use the Right Scaffold for the Job

It’s a terrible idea to use just about any scaffold at a construction site. Different factors need consideration beforehand to ensure the safety and protection of every construction worker.

For instance, the type of scaffold installed should be suitable for the worker, load, and materials. The weather condition is also a role player when it comes to determining the right structure for the task. Different construction site scenarios require the use of different scaffolds.

Inspection Before, After and in Between Use

Contrary to popular belief, scaffoldings should undergo inspection not only before using them. Taking a careful look at their structural integrity is also a must after using them.

Conducting thorough inspections every week is important. The same is true after unfavourable weather conditions such as heavy rains or strong winds. It’s necessary to make sure that the parts of the support system and the scaffolding planks themselves are in good condition.

Allow an Expert to Check the Structure

Just because you know how to assemble as well as use scaffolds, it does not mean that you’re capable of ensuring the integrity of these construction site structures.

Someone competent enough should be the one to carry out routine inspections. He or she should have the necessary training, skills, and experience that are appropriate for the type as well as the complexity of the scaffolding. Additionally, the person should have the authority to implement corrective measures, if necessary.

Every Scaffolding Part Requires Careful Inspection 

The reason a competent person has to perform the inspection is that scaffoldings are complex structures. Even the most basic of types have enough complexity to it.

Due to this, a thorough examination of each part is vital. Everything from the posts, frames to the planks has to be in superb condition and is in its proper place. The presence of bends, cracks, holes, and others should be a major cause for concern. Safety comes first at a construction site. To avoid scaffolding-related accidents, injuries, and deaths, it’s of utmost importance to check that the scaffolds that you and other construction workers are going to use are secure and reliable.

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