My mom passed away in 2003. Before she passed, she was in Hospice Care in her home as well as 3 trips a week to a Dialysis clinic. The medical bills poured in. If my dad hadn’t had health insurance through his employer at the time I’m not sure how they would have managed. With that said, she needed someone to help drive her to Dialysis. She also needed help with a lot of personal tasks. While I did what I could to help out (and so did other family members) I was pregnant with our second child and on semi bed rest due to seriously high blood pressure, so I wasn’t able to drive her. Everyone else was working crazy hours and mom and dad couldn’t afford to hire an in-home nurse or someone to drive her. They ended up having to rely on my elderly (maternal) grandmother to take her to and from Dialysis each week. And it was really hard on her. We lived in the country where neighbors aren’t as close as in town. None of us had internet so looking up ways to pay for home health care wasn’t as easy or readily available as it is today. Paying the extra costs meant working extra hours to make more money.
They were referred to health care and social work professionals that were able to give them some ideas and options on where and how to seek some help. While she wasn’t elderly, she was relying on in-home care so having something like the infographic below would have gone a long way in providing them quick ideas on where to seek home health care assistance.
11 Ways To Pay For Home Health Care:
There are several resources on the infographic that they could have utilized had they known about them. They possibly could have tapped into some of the community resources or checked out the Block Grant Programs. I wish they’d had this infographic back then. I’d have printed it out and shown it to my parents.
What about you? Do you have an elderly family member who is debating assisted living communities or staying put? If so I hope these 11 Ways To Pay For Home Health Care help you out!
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