Just in time for Easter, I’d like to share with you a beautiful book entitled: The Easter Storybook: 40 Bible Stories Showing Who Jesus Is.
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This is a wonderful book! I read through it, myself, to see what it was about and plan to read it the morning of Easter Sunday, before we get into any celebratory activities here at home. We have decided, as a family, to hunker down in our little home in the woods and celebrate Easter by coloring eggs, cooking a big dinner just for the 6 of us and worshiping Jesus in our living room, away from big groups of folks.
One way will be with this amazing book. I’m really looking forward to reading it to the kids. I may have each of us take a turn reading the stories inside.
I love that it covers Jesus life from beginning to end and doesn’t focus, solely, on the resurrection. We learn more about Jesus and his works throughout his life. 🙏
Order on Amazon (using our link) and if you have Prime, it will get to you before Easter!
About The Easter Storybook
Unlike other children’s Easter books, The Easter Storybook focuses not just on Jesus’ last days but on the journey. As Easter approaches, a beautiful new book will prepare your children for this most special event… of His whole life leading to the joy of Easter morning. Every story will give children a glimpse into Jesus’ identity—as Teacher, Good Shepherd, Savior, and King—making this a rich book to read throughout the year.
The Easter Storybook explains who Jesus is, what He did, and why His death and resurrection matter, in a simple way that children ages 4–8 can understand and remember.
About The Author:
Laura Richie, who also wrote the bestselling The Advent Storybook, said, “Each story adds a stroke to the portrait of the God who came to restore what was broken and find what was lost. During the season of Lent, let’s pause each day and remember. Sit down as a family and remember who Jesus was and why He had to die, then celebrate His victory over evil and death! May you and your family see Jesus and delight in His beauty, love, and grace.”
What plans do you have for this upcoming Easter Sunday? Do you read the Bible or Bible relates stories? Please continue to practice social distancing and stay safe in all that you do!