Help Your Child Successfully Learn At Home With These Tactics

Learning outside the classroom can help a child see the fun in education, and it’s also a great way to fill snow days or rainy summer afternoons. Not only can you help your child get more comfortable with a subject that’s giving them trouble, you can introduce them to an exciting new hobby that could turn into something more down the road, such as a role in the performing arts.

Talk to your child about their interests, so you can tailor their at-home learning experience to their personality. Here are some tips to get you started, courtesy of The Martin Family Adventure.

learning at home

Create a schedule that works for both of you

When it comes to learning at home, you might find that it’s easier said than done if you don’t have a schedule worked out beforehand. Finding time to fit in a lesson plan can be challenging some days, and if your child’s learning experience is catch-as-catch-can, they may not retain the information or show interest in continuing. Write out a schedule that will allow you to spend quality time with your child no matter how busy you are; this way, you can fit in learning time while still ensuring that you’re available for bedtime routines and other memory-making moments.

Make at-home learning fun

Whether your child wants to learn to play an instrument or tackle a new science experiment, it’s important to find ways to make their learning experience fun, as this will help them build confidence and look forward to certain subjects in school. Once you have a schedule worked out, do some research on exciting new ways you can teach. Rather than having your child read about biology concepts, for instance, you might take a nature walk and have them gather interesting items they find to document in a nature journal. Conduct silly science experiments using common household items like milk and dish soap. Often, the more hands-on you can make your lessons, the more your child can relate to them.

Utilize online resources

These days, there are many teaching resources available online, including a few that you may not have thought of, and many of them aim to make learning fun. Once you have a subject in mind to teach your child, look for TED talks that focus on educational topics or seek out apps and online games that will help them learn more about math and reading concepts. Check out tools that will allow you and your child to create a book together. There are so many learning options available online now that just about anything you can think of is accessible, from tutorials on playing an instrument to templates for drafting a letter or for improving penmanship.

Consider expanding your own knowledge

Once you and your child get into a rhythm with at-home learning, you might find that you truly enjoy teaching, or you may want to expand your skills so you can continue to educate your child as they get older. Going back to school can help you develop instructional practice and learner development, plus you’ll get the benefit of learning more about a particular subject. With an online degree program, you can work on the degree on your own time from the comfort of home; get a bachelor of education to really open doors and make the most of your natural drive to help others learn.

Teaching your child at home can help build up her confidence in school, and it can also create bonding opportunities for the two of you. Consider going back to school to build upon your skill set, which could open up a variety of doors for you while ensuring that you have the means to continue teaching your child as they grow older.

The Martin Family Adventure is here to swap tips and adventure stories. If you have a moment, we’d love to hear from you!

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