I love having a good family movie night. Order some pizza, pop some popcorn and settle in with pj’s and blankets for family time together. There’s nothing better! Since our kids range in ages, from elementary to teen, we try to offer a variety of movie genres so everyone is happy. The last movie night we watched for family movie night was Minuscule Valley of the Lost Ants from kaboom! Entertainment. This is an animated film with no actually character dialogue so it was geared a bit more towards our younger kids. The characters communicate solely via a synchronized soundtrack featuring music and sound effects. Richard Dreyfuss does the only real speaking as the narrator.
This item is listed on our 2015 Holiday Gift Guide!
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of Minuscule Valley of the Lost Ants for review purposes. All opinions are those of me and my family. Your results may vary.
My younger kids really loved the movie. They said there were a couple of slow parts, as with any movie, but that overall the movie was very funny. My youngest laughed pretty much the entire time. She loved the little ladybug and laughed out loud at all the antics. There were sad parts, happy parts and hilarious parts.
The older kids didn’t really get into the movie as much. They both said that it was definitely more for the younger ones but they did sit through it so it must have been pretty palatable for them as well. I caught them both laughing a time or two. Clay and I both thought it was a cute movie to watch with the kids and made for a pretty good movie night.
The animation was great and the little ants and ladybug were absolutely adorable. We all loved the music and the storyline. And Richard Dreyfuss as the narrator was the perfect choice. But we all agreed that if it’d had more dialogue, it would be even more enjoyable for the older family members. Clay and I just prefer movies where the characters talk to each other. But the storyline with the ants protecting their sugar and the ladybug accidentally stowing away in the tin was funny. And everything about the movie was cute.
If you’re looking for a fun, cute movie for this summer, that is different from all the rest, check out Minuscule Valley of the Lost Ants!
Minuscule Valley of the Lost Ants Movie Synopsis
After a couple leaves their picnic in a hurry, a gang of hungry ants moves in to steal what could be their most coveted treasure: a tin box filled with sugar cubes. But before they can get away with the loot, a newly-born ladybug strays from its own family and gets trapped inside the box! The ladybug is soon spirited away by the ants as they try to transport their prize across the woods toward their colony. Together, the insects embark on an epic journey to protect their sugar.
Minuscule Valley of Lost Ants Giveaway:
One lucky reader will win a copy of Minuscule Valley of Lost Ants. Open to US residents only, please. Giveaway ends June 26, 2015.