A natural bathroom cleaner? Ooh yeah! With all the nasty, toxic cleaners out there, it’s so nice to have natural things that will clean, sanitize and disinfect my bathroom (and home). I am all about using a natural bathroom cleaner these days. My go-to used to be bleach but it makes my throat and nose burn. So I wanted something that is natural but still potent at ridding bacteria and viruses on surfaces. Because, let’s face it, bathroom’s are nasty!
I typically use a diy cleaner that contains essential oils but I LOVE using Force of Nature cleaner when our town is in the red for flu and covid. I usually save my Force Of nature for high peak sick seasons or when we’re sick and use my other cleaner for daily cleaning. It kills 99.9% of germs with no bleach, quats, alcohol, fragrances, dyes, surfactants or preservatives. I’m not sure what a quat is but it doesn’t sound friendly!
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I did a review of Force Of Nature last year and was very impressed. All you do is add distilled water and one of their capsules to the bottle, plug it in and let it do its thing. It will bubble and create the natural bathroom cleaner. Well, it’s not just a bathroom cleaner. You can use it in any room and even to clean pet toys and bedding, baby toys, etc.
It’s a hospital grade cleaner! So you know it’s going to pack a punch.

Get your Force of Nature Starter Kit here.
I’m so tired of all the store-bought cleaners that contain synthetic fragrances and nasty ingredients that can hurt me and my family. They contain hormone disruptors and carcinogens and I want no part of them!
We’re slowly weeding out the bad products from our household. I’m still hanging on to my shampoo simply because my hair is weird and just doesn’t do well with the natural ones I’ve tried. But I make our cleaners, laundry detergent, soap, hand soap, health and wellness products and have been learning to make my own makeup!
If you’re new to natural products, making your own cleaners is the first place I recommend you start. They are so easy to make and when you use a product like Force Of Nature, it’s even simpler.
This natural bathroom cleaner can be used on your sinks, toilets, mirrors, bathtubs/showers, etc. It has a slight vinegar smell but is mild and dissipates quickly. I like to spritz it on my counters and walk away for a few minutes. Then I come back and wipe the surface. If it has dried, I’ll give another spray and then wipe. This allows it to disinfect before being wiped away.
My surfaces are left shiny and clean!
Force Of Nature Natural Bathroom Cleaner
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If you’ve been wanting to switch to natural, non-toxic products, be sure to grab your Force of Nature Starter Kit here.