On Wings Of Chaos By Travis Simmons (The Revenant Wyrd Saga #5)

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series The Revenant Wyrd Saga
The Revenant Wyrd Saga

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of On Wings Of Chaos by Travis Simmons as a member of Beck Valley Book Tours. All opinions are strictly my own.





On Wings of Chaos (The Revenant Wyrd Saga #5)

The captivating sequel to A Guardian of Shadows.

In the mystical lands of the Great Realms, Angelica, Jovian, and Joya search for their kidnapped sister, Amber. Their quest has led them through many dangers and revelations, but nothing has prepared them for what’s about to come.

A dream reveals what Angelica and Jovian are, but what does it mean for their future? There’s little time to dwell on this, for the chaos dwarves, the scourge of the Realm of Earth, are gathering at the gates of the Guardian’s Keep. The dwarves have the stone Wyrders’ Bane, and they’ve shown they know how to unleash its plague upon all those who wield the magical force of wyrd. With casters neutralized, a mighty blow has been dealt to the allied forces. The dwarves and trolls attack the keep, and the struggle to survive the war in the north is upon them.

Angelica, Jovian, and Joya’s journey is far from easy, but the future looks even bleaker when visions of a gathering darkness in the west and a congregation of angels could mark the beginning of the final war on the Ever After.

Buy the Book from 17th July at
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My Thoughts:

On Wings Of Chaos is another GREAT addition to the Revenant Wyrd Saga. In this part of the series we learn a LOT about the birth of Amber, Joya and most especially Angelica and Jovian. We begin to see their mother in a different way and we finally start to see some real progress in their hunt for their missing sister, Amber.

For me, book 5 On Wings Of Chaos is my favorite in the series so far. I enjoyed learning more about what makes them who and what they are. I also liked getting a glimpse of things that are about to transpire through the visions that Angelica and Jovian share. There are also some MAJOR transformations with Joya and Cianna as well. We see Mag and Astanel working together to save Sara. I love the way Travis Simmons described Mag’s transfusion of clean Wyrd into Sara. He took us step by step through the process so well that if you close your eyes, you can imagine it. That is one of the things I love most about the Revenant Wyrd Saga. It is superbly descriptive.

I admit, I was starting to get a bit bummed with this series because I felt like it was starting to drag on too long. 3 – 4 in a series are usually what I like to see. But On Wings Of Chaos drew me back in by giving me some much needed back story as well as a glimpse into the future. I’m ready for book 6!

As with the rest of the series, I do not recommend reading this as a stand alone book. Their terminology, back story, etc. really need to be captured from the very first book in order to really make sense of the story and the brother and sisters. So I definitely recommend starting with The Bonds Of Blood and working your way through the series.


About the Author

Travis has been writing since he was 14. He began writing a book called “The Calling of the Two” and while writing that on and off he started uncovering another idea.

“Yes, this is all well and good, but what about before? What happened in the world before these characters came into it?” He always knew there was a “before” and as he started wondering about it he got ideas. At first they were little ideas but as he discovered the names for his characters a whole story about them emerged.

Travis started working on The Revenant Wyrd Saga several years back and he is very happy he did because hearing and documenting Jovian and Angelica’s story has been one wild ride for him. He has also written the Infernal Design series.

He lives in a small town at the base of the Adirondack Mountains and hoofing around my neck of the woods gives him a ton of inspiration for his novels. He loves research, and speculating on different ideas and theories.

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(Book 6 coming August)

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