Make The Switch To Organic Toxin Free Beauty Products – Part 1

I am on a mission, here in 2020, to rid my home an family of as many toxins as I possibly can. From our diet, to our beauty products, to wellness to cleaning supplies. I’m getting rid of as much toxic stuff as I can. I’m starting by switching to as many toxin free beauty products as I can!

Let me preface this just a minute to say… we do still use some regular, store bought things. Convenience items are just that, convenient. Some are more toxic than others. I haven’t gone cold turkey with the items I regularly use, BUT I am adding more and more healthy, toxic free products to our lives as possible. A little at a time. Ok? Ok.

I started my health journey 2 years ago when I switched my food lifestyle to Trim Healthy Mama and you can read more of that journey in other posts. Then, in June, I began researching and studying the use of essential oils in health and wellness. THAT is an amazing journey as well! I’d used a few over the years but had never really took the plunge into really using essential oils.

I, now, make some of my own skincare products. But, perhaps you don’t want to. Maybe you don’t know how or don’t have the time. Or, sometimes you just want to be able to purchase things without having to make them all the time. I don’t always want to make my own. I love trying products from others! And, there are things that are just too difficult to get just right. So, in some cases, like makeup, I’d much rather buy it. But I want it to be as clean and toxin free as possible. And organic is even better!

Recently, the folks at reached out to me about their toxin free beauty products and I was very intrigued! I agreed to work together to see what everything was like and I’m extremely pleased!

We teamed up and I ordered a ton of products to test out and share with you. I fell in love with the organic, toxin free beauty products I received and decided to become an Insider affiliate so I can share the latest news and updates on Suzanne Somers products with you all.

So, with that said, affiliate links have been used in this article. When you make a purchase using my links, I will receive a small commission with NO fees passed to you, to help offset the costs of running our site.

My readers, also, get 20% off site-wide with the code: Crystal20
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Let me show you the products I’ve been using. I’ll talk a little about each one and tell you what I love/don’t care for about them. Links to each, individual, item will be below each one.

Organic Toxin Free Beauty Products

First, here’s a photo showing ALL the items I received:

Suzanne Summer Is Near Kit
WOOT! It felt like Christmas morning!

That’s a LOT of organic toxin free beauty products to test out y’all! I’m going to share a photo of each, individual item or set and tell you a bit about them. I’ll start with 4 items and then the other 4 in the second article. Subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss the 2nd part!

Suzanne Organics Wild Orange Vanilla Nourishing Body Lotion

Suzanne Organics Wild Orange Vanilla Nourishing Body Lotion

Oh my goodness. The fragrance of this lotion is AH-MAZING! I’ve really been on an orange/citrus kick, in my skincare and aromatherapy, lately, and this smells divine. It smells like one of those Orange Cream Popsicle’s! yum

The lotion has a great consistency. I’ve had many natural lotions that were either way too thick to rub in or super runny. This one seems to be the “Baby Bear” of lotions and is just right. It’s not sticky and rubs in to my skin easily, leaving behind that delicious orange and vanilla scent.

I have been using this lotion EVERY DAY! I love using it on my hands. They don’t feel greasy so it is perfect for my hands. I can’t stand lotions that make my hands feel heavy or weight down. This doesn’t do that to me. I love it!

The ingredients list includes Argan oil and sea buckthorn berry. I adore Argan Oil. It is so great for the skin and melts in taking all the vitamins and minerals your skin needs, with it. I use Argan oil by itself and in many skincare products I make for myself. So, having it in this lotion is a huge plus for me. Sea Buckthorn Berry is a plant that contains essential fatty acids, Omega 3, 6, 7, and 9. Double the goodness! It’s available in 8oz and 16oz. A full list of ingredients can be found on the product page:
Suzanne Organics Wild Orange Vanilla Nourishing Body Lotion

Suzanne Organics Body Butter – Rain

Suzanne Organics Body Butter - Rain Scent

Body Butter is one of my favorite things. I, actually, prefer a body butter over a lotion for regular use. My favorite is a whipped body butter. This particular body butter is a bit more like a thicker lotion, in consistency. It is very nice and the smell is heavenly. It has only a slight floral-ness to it, followed by sort of a sea breeze smell. It is very hard to describe but smells so good! Let me emphasize something here. I am VERY sensitive to florals. Like, migraine and nausea inducing sensitive. Happily, this does not trigger that. So, any hint of floral I’m getting is super mild.

It is soft and creamy and rubs in immediately on my skin while leaving an ever-so-slight layer. They say this is a protective layer. So, it locks in moisture.

I’ve been using it on that pesky dry patch on my knee that won’t ever go away and it keep sit soft and looking good. And did I mention the fragrance? OH MY WORD! It smells so good. It is also available in Coco Mango scent! It has been created with with certified organic, therapeutic grade essential oils and fruit juice essences. The essences are certified organic flavors used by organic juice, ice cream, yogurt, etc. manufacturers. as well as coconut oil, shea butter (my fave) and sunflower oil. I don’t think any products I’ve used have had sunflower oil so I’m excited to see what this does for my skin! You can find the full ingredients list on the product page:
Suzanne Organics Body Butter

Suzanne Organics Wild Orange Jasmine Deodorant

Suzanne Organics Wild Orange Jasmine Deodorant - toxin free beauty products

Again, orange! But this has a hint of Jasmine, as well, that takes the fragrance to a different level. It is mild and not overly floral at all. Remember, I CAN NOT handle florals so if it was overpowering I’d tell you! It’s a nice, milder scent that doesn’t get stronger when you heat up

This deodorant is a liquid and comes in a spray bottle. NOT aerosol! Just a spray bottle like you’d use for water. NICE!

I am brand new to natural and/or aluminum-free deodorants, which this is.

When you make the switch, your body will go through a detox period to rid itself of all the nasties that were in your old deodorant and prepare your body for the new stuff. So, you may be a bit stinky and more sweaty in the beginning. No time like 2020 self-isolation to switch to a natural deodorant. Am I right? 😂

So, this product is one I want to follow-up on in a few weeks. DON’T LET ME FORGET! I want to test it out really well and let you all know how it does for me. So far, it’s not been bad. It takes a while to dry, which I’m not used to. So I have to let it dry before putting my shirt on. Once it does, I stay fairly dry and odor-free. And I’ve only been testing it a few days!

I fell off my THM health wagon a couple times, during all this pandemic and have some (a lot of) sugar I need to rid my body of. So, now is the perfect time to get all the detox out of the way. I’ve already started back on my GGMS Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks I love. Be on the lookout for a recipe for a new one! Anyway, I’ll be miserable for a few days, at least, but then I’ll be right as rain and can really test out this aluminum-free deodorant!

Why aluminum-free, you ask? Well, it’s been stated that the aluminum in our deodorants can lead to all kinds of nasty stuff like breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. I’M NOT AN EXPERT! I don’t if this is true. All I can do is my own research, make my own decisions and encourage you to do the same. And besides, if I can use a product that has one less ingredient, and still get the same benefits, I’m all for it!

  • No aluminum chlorohydrate 
  • Non-aerosol 
  • Certified Toxic Free

Suzanne Organics Wild Orange Jasmine Deodorant

Suzanne Summer Is Near Kit

Suzanne Summer Is Near Kit - toxin free beauty products

The Suzanne Summer Is Near Kit is created to get your feet ready for summer, while giving your face and body a bronzed look and keeping those pesky bugs at bay.

The Suzanne Summer Is Near Kit includes:

  • SUZANNE Organics Refreshing Foot Mist
  • SUZANNE Organics Heel Restore
  • SUZANNE Organics Outdoor Body Spray
  • SUZANNE Organics Bronzing Powder

The refreshing foot mist is incredible and perfect on a hot summer day or after a long day of walking or sight seeing. It has mint natural deodorizers that, not only, cool your feet, but help keep odor at bay as well. It leaves a cool feeling on the bottoms of my feet. I love peppermint anyway and this really does the job for cooling my hot, tired feet.

I have used this a few times but will be putting it my travel bag, as well, to save for our next trip. It will be just the thing I need after sightseeing all day. Along with the Everyday Cleanser and Calming Toner, this will be perfect for travel!

The Heel Restore is a bit confusing to me. The reason being is that the description says it is mint. However, mine is definitely orange vanilla! I had everyone in my family smell it and there is no mint smell to be found but a definite orange smell. So, not sure why, but mine is orange. It still smells good and makes my heels super moisturized. I just don’t get that cooling mint feeling I was hoping for.

Scent aside, the product feels amazing on my feet. It leaves my heels silky smooth. I use it every night before bed and then put socks on to lock in the moisture. I use it again first thing in the morning. I only use it on my heels. They are looking much less dry and I’m not embarrassed to wear my sandals!

The Outdoor Body Spray is, once again, another item I recommend for travel. It contains Amazonian Andiroba Seed Oil, Peppermint, Lavender and Rosemary and may also be used to soothe the itch from bug bites.

Peppermint, lavender and rosemary work really well to sooth pain and itch as well as repel bugs. So you have a nice smelling repellent instead of a nasty chemical laden bug-spray smelling can of yuck. You’d be surprised how well natural plant based ingredients can repel insects!

*PLEASE NOTE* When using products contain natural plant extracts and essential oils, ALWAYS do your own research! As with any natural or OTC product, certain restrictions and medical contraindications may apply. So please research and use at your own risk. Your results may vary from mine. We are not responsible for use by others.

The Bronzing Powder gives your face and neck a warm glow and sun-kissed look without having to spend a lot of time in the sun. It’s a bit dark for my complexion so a little is all I need. I like to really blend it in and then go back over it with a lighter powder to tone it some. It looks really nice above my temples, on my jaw line and beneath my cheek bones and then followed with a bit of highlighter! Sun. Kissed.

Suzanne Summer Is Near Kit

Ok, so that is it for the first 4 products I tried out. I LOVE all of the ones on this list. I do wish the Heel Restore was more minty and not orange, but the product, itself, works great.

I will be posting, often, about SuzanneSomers products so be sure and subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel for updates and videos!

Do you use organic skincare? What are some tips you have for ridding our homes of toxins and going more natural and organic?

Read part 2 in this series here.

Discover more beauty tips here.

Check out our Essential Oil videos below!

Essential Oil Recipe Videos

Simply Earth Recipe Box Unboxing Videos

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We are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice and we cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research before using.

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