Our kids love to read. Our 2 youngest daughters are never without a good book. I love to bring them stories that are educational as well as entertaining. The latest book I have for you is a bit young for our daughters, but will be a great read for younger kids. It helps them learn about our oceans and proceeds go to help marine conservation! The book is called Pepper The Pepperfish.

We received this complimentary book as a member of the US Family Guide. All opinions are our own.
I had our youngest daughter read it before me and give me her full, unbiased opinion. Here is her review:
“I like it.” Wow, that was a short review! I asked her for a little more input and this is what she had to say:
“I think it’s an adorable little book and it’s good information for kids to learn about fish and beaches. I think it’s probably for ages 6 – 10. It has a cute little story-line and the graphics are good.”
Short and to the point!

I read the book and I agree with her review. The graphics and the story-line are cute. It has a great message for kids to learn about the ocean and how white sand it formed. It’s kind of gross to think about, but incredible to learn. 😂
If you’re looking for a cute story for kids, check out Pepper The Pepperfish.

Educational picture book for ages 3-8.
Part of the proceeds will be donated towards marine conservation. Free Shipping for a limited time only! Colorado local author and illustrator.
Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-939550-74-3
SAVE $5 on the Best Children’ Book, Pepper the Parrotfish for ages 3-8! – Pepper The Parrotfish is swimming to your door with $5 OFF deal!
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Portion of the proceeds benefits the marine conservation!
Check out all our book reviews.