I have a simply Earth discount code for you! Claim $10 off your first 5 Simply Earth Boxes with this $50 VOUCHER for the Simply Earth Essential Oil Box using code: CRYSTALM5015

The box, above is the March 2020 Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box. Each month will be different but will include 4 full sized bottles of essential oils, 6 recipes cards, label stickers for your recipe creations and a couple fun extras. The march box included a cute flower soap mold, some glycerin soap and mica powder. Again, each month will have different extras, recipes and oils.
In your very first box and then again ever 6 months, you’ll receive a Big Bonus Box that will include fractionated coconut oil (liquid), solid coconut oil, beeswax, almond oil, roller bottles and 5 ml bottles to get you through, at least, 6 months of recipes. You won’t use all the ingredients in every month, with the exception of the 2 types of bottles. It is such a great deal for less than $50 per month!
Here are the recipes I followed from the March box. For the cheek and eye tint, I needed a smaller container but that was all I had at the moment. So, it looks a bit messy. These recipes were so fun to make! The Citrus Joy roll on smells wonderful and instantly lifts my mood. Rainy days don’t stand a chance of bringing me down! The DIY make up was fun to make. I’ve never made anything like that before – my own eyeshadow! I really love the soap. I didn’t have any sprinkled like the recipe called for so I just left those out. I think it’s still really cute! The shave butter works really well too. It leaves my legs silky and smooth.

As I said, each month is different and you may not love every one. I’ve only found a couple recipes I didn’t care for in the year and half I’ve been a subscriber! The February box had recipes that I loved. For instance, the Blemish Roll-On works amazingly! I had a pimple pop up no my chin, used the roll-on at bedtime and it was so tiny by the next morning. I used it again that night and the next morning it was gone! I’ve never had a pimple go away like that without first getting all big and gross and coming to a head. I tried it again on one on my cheek – same results! So the recipes are fabulous to have on hand!
You get previews for each upcoming box so if there is an oil you don’t like, you can swap it for $2 before that next box is ready to ship. If you don’t want that month at all, you can skip until you’re ready. You can also cancel easily if it isn’t for you.
You also get access to their Hero’s Course to learn how to use essential oils properly. That is over a $200 value itself and you get it FREE with your subscription!
Use my Simply Earth discount code to save $10 off your first 5 boxes, for a total of $50 savings.
Find more subscription box ideas in our archives.