The Different Salt Water Taffy Components

When making salt water taffy, we use various components to make it as soft and chewy as possible. These include glycerine, molasses, sorghum, and artificial colors. These ingredients are added to the water at a temperature of 254 degrees, and the mixture is then cooled and shaped into taffy.


Saltwater taffy is sweet and salty candy containing sugar and salt. The ingredients are boiled and combined until they form a thick, sticky mass. This mass is then cooled to handle the temperature. It is then stretched several times until it becomes soft and pliable. This process is repeated until the taffy reaches the desired texture. Saltwater taffy is available in various flavors, including chocolate, molasses, and banana.

The Best Salt Water Taffy is made with a candy thermometer. This device can be attached to the side of a pot and helps you control the final consistency. You can also test the texture of your mixture by using cold water. It should hold shape when you form it into a ball but remain slightly soft. To prevent sticking and protect your hands, it is a good idea to wear gloves while preparing the mixture. When using gloves, make sure they are food safe. This helps prevent them from sticking and protects your hands during stretching.


The ingredients for saltwater taffy can vary. While salt water is used in some varieties, the main components are sugar, corn syrup, and glycerine. It is also important to note that salt water taffy does not taste like seawater—the salt content results from a combination of ingredients, including cornstarch and sugar.

Corn syrup is the primary ingredient in salt water taffy, and it acts as an “interfering agent” by preventing the crystallization of sucrose. Since corn syrup is relatively inexpensive, it is often used as a sugar substitute.


Sorghum is a grain that is rich in nutrition and used in many food products, including salt water taffy. Its flavor is similar to molasses and is a suitable substitution in many recipes. It is also a natural sweetener. It comes in wide varieties and colors and is milled into flour. It can also make popcorn and is a common ingredient in many processed foods.

Sorghum is used in some pioneer recipes for making taffy. Sugar was scarce during the Civil War, and sorghum was a cheap alternative. This ingredient is combined with water until the mixture reaches the “softball” stage (250 degrees Fahrenheit). Some pioneer recipes also call for adding glycerin, cornstarch, and corn syrup. The resulting candy should be poured onto a buttered surface and handled with buttery hands.

Artificial Colors

Taffy is a sweet treat made from salt and sugar. The ingredients are combined in a large pot with a candy thermometer to create salt water taffy’s soft and chewy texture. After the sugar is heated, it should be stirred constantly. The mixture should be brought to a temperature of 250-255 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the sugar has reached this temperature, you can add food coloring and flavoring. The finished product should be poured onto a cookie sheet and allowed to cool. Once it has cooled, you can cut it into various shapes and pack it for shipping.

Saltwater taffy is a sweet treat that has natural flavors and ingredients. Most of the ingredients found in the candy are everyday household items. However, artificial colors and flavors are used to enhance its taste. Many recipes call for a large amount of sugar, including bleached granulated sugar. Another common ingredient is cornstarch, which thickens and serves as an anti-sticking agent.

Sugar Substitutes

The ingredients in commercial salt water taffy are corn syrup, sweetened condensed milk, oil, salt, and flavors. One ounce of salt water taffy contains 4 percent of your daily recommended riboflavin intake, and a pound and a half have 1700 calories, 500 grams of carbohydrates, and 75 grams of fat. To make sugar-free salt water taffy, look for brands that use sugar alcohol or malt dextrose as a sugar substitute.

Sugar substitutes in salt water taffeta are available in various flavors and are not harmful to your health. Sugar-free varieties are available in strawberry, blue raspberry, chocolate, orange, vanilla, and cinnamon flavors.

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