If you’re single and have a date or two lined up, you’ll probably be fretting about what you’re going to wear more than anything. After all, so much pressure is put on first impressions, so it’s no wonder you’ll be stressing about what outfit is best – no matter if you’re a man or a woman.
To help you along the way, we’ve put together a list of things to consider when choosing that all-important first date outfit.

Dress Comfortably
Life is a constant battle between form and function. When it comes to a first date, your natural instinct might be to go for form over function, but no matter how strong that urge is, don’t give in! There’s nothing worse than being uncomfortable in what you’re wearing. If those shoes are hurting, don’t wear them because you’ll end up limping or complaining about them, and that will do you no favors. If your clothes are a bit on the snug side, choose something roomier. You don’t want to move too quickly and end up with a split seam. There’s always a way to balance form and function. For example, if you love a casual style, such as simple plain-colored T-shirts and jeans, you can accessorize with a jacket, scarf, or headpiece or add complementary layers to dress up your outfit. You don’t have to sacrifice your comfort for style.
This goes for all types of dates – whether it’s a dinner date, a walking date or a coffee date. Make sure you can walk properly, move with ease and not fidget or focus on how uncomfortable you are.

Strike a Balance
Like everything in life, balance is key. Knowing how to strike that balance can be tricky, but here are some things you might want to keep in mind:
- Don’t show too much skin – if you’ve got your legs out, consider staying modest on the top
- Don’t be too conservative – a full three-piece suit complete with luxury cufflinks might not be the best option for a first date, but a shirt and trousers minus the jacket and waistcoat might be
- Think about makeup – if you go big on the eyes, go muted on the lips and vice versa
- Scent – you might think you need to go big on the scent, but you don’t! A spritz here and there is never a bad thing, but make sure you balance it out because the last thing you want is for your date to be choking on your fumes
Factor in the Weather
We get it: you want to impress! That’s fine, but you can’t forget to dress for the weather, too. If it’s raining and you know you’ll need to be outside to either A) walk to your date or B) take part in an outdoor-based date, make sure you wear suitable shoes and bring a coat. If you turn up with sopping wet feet, shivering and drenched hair, your date likely won’t be impressed.
There are always ways you can dress practically and stylishly. A coat won’t ruin your look as much as the elements will, so make sure to bear this in mind.
Be Confident
The best thing you can wear is confidence! Whilst we’ve listed a few tips in this article, if they don’t suit you, disregard them and do what make you feel the most comfortable. If you feel your best in jeans and a t-shirt, wear that! Pair your clothes with the perfect smile, which you can get from the dentist who offers invisalign in raleigh, and we’re sure you’ll be even more confident. At the end of the day, whoever you’re going on a date with needs to accept you for you, and if they can’t, they’re not worth your time.
When you’re going on a first date, don’t put too much pressure on it. Be yourself, act natural and let the person you’re with see who you really are. Don’t change yourself for anyone, not even for a first date! That being said, if you do take fashion quite seriously, hopefully these tips will have helped you consider things that you might not have previously thought about and help you narrow down your endless outfit choices!
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