Tips for keeping aging parents active and busy

Loneliness and social isolation are significant contributors to serious health problems in elders. They are prone to dementia, depression, and in many cases, anxiety.

According to NASEM, one-fourth of the people aged 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated. Similarly, a significant proportion of the young population also experience symptoms of loneliness.

Therefore, it becomes more than essential to ensure that elders in your family stay active, busy, and feel involved in day-to-day life. We understand that it gets challenging to be always present for aging parents, given the workload and other familial responsibilities you may have.

However, you can make adequate changes in their daily routine to create a more comforting and engaging environment for them. Read on to discover more about how you can do it.

Maintaining and improving mobility

Immobility acts as a significant barrier to facilitating senior activities. Ensure to identify their motility needs to make things easier for them. It is even more effective for people who are in wheelchairs or use clutches for walking.

Working on their individual mobility needs makes them feel secure. In addition, they are independent to move from one place to another. You can add ramps, choose anti-slip flooring, and use motorized stairs to increase their accessibility.

Allowing them to be independent instills confidence to try new things. They participate more actively in different sessions. Also, it would be beneficial if you told them about government-run transportation services for increased accessibility.

Schedule their day well

Instead of keeping things loose-ended, it is a far better idea to schedule their day well and fill it with different activities. You can include praying, meditating, and recreational activities like the Wyoming Carmelites.

Following a routine that includes different activities will keep them engaged and active. The curiosity to learn and participate in new things keeps the elders motivated. You can also explore adult day programs for bringing newness to the routine.

Additionally, don’t forget to schedule regular appointments with a physician and a dental professional like this dentist in Henderson for your parents to keep their health in check.

Make them Familiar with technology

Today, technology has made things easier for everyone, from working from anywhere-culture to staying connected to families regardless of distance. Thus, you can familiarize the elders with the latest technology, such as texting and video calls.

It will encourage them to socialize more from the comfort of their homes. In addition, if you frequently fly out for work or have little time to spend in person, these advancements can significantly aid you and your parents.

Encourage them to take up a Hobby.

Hobbies play an active part in keeping the elders occupied Hobbies promote creativity and mentally nurture similarly, they offer relaxation to elders, especially for adults who are socially isolated and leaning towards loneliness.

There is a wide range of activities that elders can choose to participate in, such as singing, painting, reading, writing, and even bird-watching. It will assist them relive their mental strength and even aid their physical & emotional health.

Healthcare experts suggest joining them in their hobbies once or twice a week. It betters your bond and makes them feel loved. Moreover, they feel a sense of encouragement to keep doing new things.

Final thoughts

It is beneficial to make your parents understand the significance of staying physically, mentally, and emotionally active. Sit down with them to figure out their reason for depressive loneliness. Also, you can jot down a plan together for more convenience.

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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