Verizon Wireless and DROID Incredible by HTC review. Holiday Gift Idea.


For the past two weeks I have had the unique opportunity to test the DROID Incredible by HTC using service by Verizon Wireless. First let me start by saying this phone ROCKS! I did have a couple errors that kept popping up on the screen but after scanning the internet, I found these were related to Facebook and found the fix. So that was not a problem.

The phone itself was amazing and extremely easy to use. It has an 8 megapixel camera that is to die for. We took a family vacation to Tennessee and I used the camera for my photo taking. The pictures were gorgeous! The colors were bright and the screen resolution was large enough that I can print full sized photos with no noticeable pixels.

It is tetherable so you can use it as a wireless modem on your laptop BUT if you have the 3G Mobile Hotspot service, you don’t need the tether. It serves as a WI-FI connection and you can connect your laptop, Wii or any other wireless device. The Verizon service is OUTSTANDING! Being on the top of a mountain, no one had cell phone or internet service. No one. Except. ME! That’s right, even on the tip top of the mountain overlook and also surrounded by trees at our cabin, I had service. And not just regular service, but full 3G coverage. WOO HOO the phone (and I) rocked! And I can’t say for sure but I am pretty certain that my family members were tapping into my WI-FI so they could go online and check their email. I never lost my connection one time and they had NONE on the mountain. I was able to stay connected not only to my email, but my social networks as well. Facebook status updates were super simple to make, especially using the included Friend Stream to post to FB, Twitter, etc. all in one update. and it is super duper fast!

The touch screen keyboard does take a little getting used to. It is a little touchy and typos are easy to make. So if you are used to a slide out QWERTY, then it might take you some time to adjust. One feature I loved on the touch screen though is touch and hold. For instance if you are typing a sentence and need the exclamation mark, you can either touch and hold one of the letter keys or you can switch to the number pad a choose it there.

The android market has tons of free Apps for download like YouTube, Bar Code Scanner, etc. They even have free games to download. (Angry Birds is hilarious) I could have spent hours just browsing the marketplace for apps.

DROID_Incredible] DROID_Incredible2

  • A 1GHz Snapdragon processor with HTC Sense user interface and Adobe FlashLite – this makes for a superfast web browsing experience
  • Tetherable, which means you can use it as a wireless modem on your laptop
  • 8 megapixel camera
  • Android 2.1 operating system
  • You can log in and access multiple Google accounts at one time. (2 Google, one corporate and seven additional POP email accts.)
  • 3.7” touch screen
  • 7 home screen panels that you can customize
  • Integrated GPS
  • WiFi
  • Friend Stream for unified Facebook, Twitter and Flickr updates (everything in one stream…how convenient is that?)
  • Skype Mobile™

Pricing Info:

  • DROID Incredible is $149.99 after a $100 mail-in rebate with a new two-year customer agreement.  Customers will receive the rebate in the form of a debit card; upon receipt, customers may use the card as cash anywhere debit cards are accepted.
  • DROID Incredible customers will need to subscribe to a Verizon Wireless Nationwide Talk AND an Email and Web for Smartphone plan.  Nationwide Talk plans begin at $39.99 monthly access.  Email and Web for Smartphone plans start at $29.99 for unlimited monthly access. 3G Mobile Hotspot and Mobile Broadband Connect is $20.00/month and there are additional features and warranties you can choose with your service.
  • For additional information on Verizon Wireless products and services, visit a Verizon Wireless Communications Store, call 1-800-2 JOIN IN or go to

I fell head over heels in love with this phone and with the Verizon Wireless service. This phone is on my personal Christmas wish list. (Do you hear that Hubby?) And I WILL be getting one in the very near future! 😀

This is an item on our 2010 Holiday Gift Idea List.

I was sent a DROID Incredible by HTC and Verizon Wireless service to review for 2 weeks. All items were returned. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own or that of family members used to facilitate this review.

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