Wild At Heart By Stacy Gold – A Great Summer Read

I just realized I haven’t done a book tour in a long time. I haven’t really read any books in a long time! Aside from this, I’ve read one book, I think, in the last 3 years! Maybe 2. GEEZ! That needs to change because I LOVE reading! My favorite genre is Romance but I also love action-adventure and some thriller. Mostly, though, I just love a good book that takes me away for a little while and adds some joy to the day. The book I just finished reading is Wild At Heart by Stacy Gold and it’s great! Our review page can be found here.

FOREWARNING: There is some language some may not be comfortable with so just a heads up that it’s there.

Wild At Heart by Stacy Gold

I don’t want to give too much away but, to give a little summary:
Jules & Evan are 2 folks who need a change in their lives. A big change. Jules hasn’t bene lucky in the romance department and Evan just isn’t happy. So, they both set out, separately, on a hike to clear their heads and gain some perspective. Then, they cross paths and the story goes from there.

This is a great read. I love that Jules is such a strong woman who doesn’t need the guy to constantly save the day. In fact, it’s the other way around. She gets Evan out of some scrapes and saves the day for him! Not that he’s a weakling by any means, he just got in over his head a few times. The story moves along fast enough that I wasn’t bored and slowly enough that their romance didn’t just smack me out of the blue. It has a nice pace.

Wild At Heart would make the perfect summer vacation read. Grab a copy and tuck it in your suitcase. Read it laying in the beach or in a hammock in the mountains. Or simply snuggle up with a warm blanket and a mug of tea and settle on the couch for a nice read.

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Wild At Heart Book Tour

Buy links:

Amazon and B&N

Stacy Gold

Award-winning author Stacy Gold is a compulsive tea drinker, outdoor sports junkie, and lover of good (and bad) puns. She gave up her day job as Communications Director of a nonprofit mountain biking organization to write sassy, steamy, contemporary romance novels. Her stories are packed with independent, kick-butt women finding love and adventure in the great outdoors. When Stacy’s not busy reading or writing, you can find her dancing, laughing, or playing hard in the mountains of Colorado with her wonderful hubby and happy dogs. Learn more at http://stacygold.com or follow Stacy’s adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @AuthorStacyGold


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