Disclosure: I received a complimentary 14 Day Skinny Teatox for review. This is simply a review of our personal results. All opinions are strictly my own and were formed through personal testing of the product. Your results may vary from mine. As with any consumable, dietary or weight loss product, always check with your own doctor before using. We are not responsible for use of product by others.
A few years ago I lost over 25 pounds. After having my gall bladder removed 2 years ago, I gained it all back. Every. Single Pound. And I’m miserable. The things I did before aren’t working as well for me since the surgery. So I’m on a quest to get this weight off and get back on a healthy lifestyle regimen. To do that, I feel I need to do something that will jump start the weight loss. Something that will knock a few pounds off and show me that my body is going to cooperate. Something like the 14 Day Skinny Teatox available at www.skinny-teatox.com.
This particular weight loss product comes in the form of a tea. Two teas actually. A morning tea and an evening tea. The morning tea gives your metabolism a boost and kick starts your energy for the day and help you burn fat. You use it by steeping the loose tea leaves in a infuser like the strawberry loose leaf tea infuser they sent me. That little silicone infuser is darling! The evening tea comes in individual tea bags and helps cleanse and detoxify your body.
I have had pretty good results using the morning tea. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to use the evening tea which is made from senna. I had some pretty bad cramping and, due to no gall bladder, wasn’t able to it due to the laxative effects. So I’m going to talk mainly about the morning tea.
I used the Skinny Teatox morning tea once per day. I steeped about 1 TBSP of the loose leaves in a mug of hot water for 5 minutes. Some of the finer leaves came through the infuser but it was no problem. They settled and I was able to scoop most of them out. You can see them in the photo below.
The tea has a very mild taste, almost none at all. It sort of had a lemony taste to me. The loose leaves sort of smelled like a soup starter. Like dried veggies or herbs. Not bad at all. They are very coarse and long pieces.
I drank one mug of the morning tea each day and I did notice an increase in my energy levels. I felt great throughout the day. I didn’t have any jitters and didn’t notice nay side effects with my medication for high blood pressure. Because I wasn’t able to use the evening tea, I didn’t get the full results that one would normally get from the full 14 Day Skinny Teatox but I did have results. I lost about 4 pounds using just the morning tea!
It gave me more energy so I was able to get up and move more throughout the day, burning more calories while it also have the added benefit of burning fat.
A 14 Day Skinny Teatox Helps You With:
- Weight loss
Burn calories
Boost metabolism
Suppress appetite
Increase energy levels
I wish I had been able to use both the morning tea and evening tea so I could have seen the full results but I am glad that, overall, I did lose some weight and get my summer weight loss plan off to a good start!
Have you ever tried the 14 Day Skinny Teatox? What did you think?